Many bioinformatics software tools exist and are freely available. If you wish advice on selecting or using software, or want to know what software is already in use, please contact us .
The University of Aberdeen High Performance Computing Cluster, Maxwell, has many of the essential bioinformatics software for common applications such as genome assembly and annotation, differential gene expression, alignment, and variant calling, etc, pre-installed and ready to use. In addition to this, the University also has a Galaxy server for analysis of data using a graphical interface.
We recommend contacting IT if you have specific questions. However, we are happy to discuss the resources we use, some of which are available to all researchers at the University. Further information on biocomputing resources is available here .
There are a wide range of online resources for bioinformatics, ranging from genome browsers to online training courses. Links to some useful sites are provided below.
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) - databases, tools, courses and more
- NCBI - more databases, tools and resources
- IGV - a genome browser which can be downloaded and used to view your own data
- Ensembl - vertebrate genomes
- Ensembl Genomes - microbial, plant and invertebrate genomes
- UCSC genome browser
- The Galaxy project provides training tutorials for scientists using their interface for analysis. CGEBM also provide training for various Galaxy workflows as part of our bioinformatics training portfolio .
- Genomic Data Science available from Coursera. Seven different courses are available that cover different bioinformatic methods essential for analysis and interpretation of next generation sequencing data.
Additionally, CGEBM run a range of internal bioinformatics training workshops. For more details see Training .