lain Fraser Cytometry Training/Registration Process — New Users

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lain Fraser Cytometry Training/Registration Process — New Users

Training and Registration Process


Register for an iLab account If you have any problems accessing iLab, please contact iLab Support in the first instance


Log into iLab Navigate to the “Services, Training, Access Requests & Quotations” tab


Scroll down to “Profile and Project Registration” Click “Initiate Request” Complete the form and submit it


IFCC staff will review your submission We will then schedule a quick Teams meeting to discuss the project goals and required training

How to register with our booking and lab management sytem - tutorial video

Flow Cytometry Instrument training with the Core Staff: one on one hands-on instrument operation, experimental design, and analysis training using your samples or core-provided samples.

Cost: we charge per hr for the instrument during training

It normally comprises:

  • Day 1: Learning how to operate the instrument and design acquisition templates, followed by practising with beads (3hrs). Discussion on what you need to bring for the next training session regarding samples, controls and the gating strategy. Go over the iLab booking system
  • Day2: Running your sample with core staff (3hrs). Discuss any issues with the protocol or acquisition
  • Day 3: Demonstration your competency and undertaking the competency test on the machine (3hrs)
  • Day 4: FlowJo or FCS Express data analysis with core staff. (2hrs). Discuss any issues with the data and solutions that could be considered for experimental design and development

Before Training:

Take the BD Online quiz: Introduction to Flow Cytometry and BD FACSDivaTM Software Basics Training

Please send the results of these to as it helps to know how well you have understood the basics.

Good to know