Science is an international enterprise, which thrives through collaborations between individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. The Institute of Medical Sciences recognises the importance of creating an inclusive environment that allows all our students and staff to thrive and achieve their best. Our vision to achieve this is a work in progress, and we need to be aware of the systematic barriers to equality, diversity, and inclusion that must be overcome to achieve equity of opportunity for all.
We have taken our first steps on this journey through the implementation of a Zero Tolerance Promise to make all IMS students and staff aware of the University's procedure for reporting bullying and harassment.
The IMS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee develops strategy and aims to embed the principles of equity and inclusion in all aspects of the Institutes activities. If you have any suggestions to help us in our goal to make the IMS a supportive and inclusive place to work and study, please get in touch with the IMS EDI Lead, Jonathan Pettitt.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The IMS EDI Committee can be contacted on
Please note that your email is received by all Committee members if however you would prefer your email to go to an individual instead Jonathan can also be contacted on
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Members
- Jonathan Pettitt, Personal Chair - Chair
- Wendy Henderson, Personal Assistant - Clerk
- Katie Hanna, Advanced Research Fellow - Committee member
- Emilie Hollville, Lecturer - Committee member
- Mike Morgan, Lecturer - Committee member
- Indrani Mukhopadhya, Lecturer - Committee member
- Fiona Murray, Senior Lecturer - Committee member
- Paolo Muscolino, Postgraduate Student - Committee member
- Eilidh Player, Technician - Committee member
- Alexandra Pyatnitskaya, Research Fellow - Committee member
- Ann Rajnicek, Senior Lecturer - Committee member
- Kyle Sim, Technician - Committee member
- Claire Walker, Technical Resource Officer - Committee member
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Minutes
Minutes of previous Committee meetings: