If any student or member of staff has a matter they wish the committee to discuss they should contact their immediate supervisor, an IMS Safety Coordinator or one of the members of the IMS H&S Committee.
The remit of the committee is to:
- advise the IMS Director on Health and Safety matters and to recommend actions required to improve Health and Safety within the IMS
- produce a Health and Safety manual for the IMS and to monitor compliance with the Health and Safety policy
- provide a forum for discussion of Health and Safety issues and to provide uniformity in advice throughout the IMS
The Committee meets routinely every three months as well as on occasions requiring urgent action. Minutes of previous meetings are uploaded to this web-site. If you have a safety issue to be included on the Agenda please contact Guy Bewick or your local safety coordinator.
Dates of the next meetings are TBC - new SMMSN Committee being set up.
Minutes of previous meetings can be accessed from the panel below.
Safety Inspections
The Director of the IMS will commission health and safety inspections of the facilities' activities at least two times per year. The purpose of the inspections is to ascertain the extent of compliance with the health and safety arrangements described in this handbook.
Supervisors will be informed of findings of the inspection of their own areas and provided with general comments from the full IMS inspection.
It is the responsibility of supervisors and group leaders to perform checks at regular intervals in-between inspections to confirm that the requirements of the IMS Health and Safety Policy are being satisfied and that adequate records are being kept.