Support Us

Support Us

You can support our research in the following areas by donating through the University's Development Trust quoting “Ageing Clinical & Experimental Research Endowment Funds”

  • Capital projects/Infrastructure support
  • Academic posts: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Lectureship, Senior Lectureship and Endowed Chair
  • Scholarships such as clinical and non-clinical PhD scholarships and medical student bursaries
  • Project support: Research Fellow and project cost
  • General contribution to support any of the above areas and other activities such as dissemination activities e.g. attending conferences and public engagement events

We welcome engagement from potential donors who are considering supporting specific piece of ageing related research which falls within the remit of ACER objectives.

If you wish to donate to support our research and have any questions regarding how this may help to deliver our objectives, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Myint