Scottish Care of Older People (SCoOP) Project

Scottish Care of Older People (SCoOP) Project


SCoOP is a Scottish National Evaluation project focusing on care of older people across the Scotland in both primary and secondary care settings.

SCoOP has the following overarching aims:

  • To evaluate the variation in service provision for older people who require health and social care in various settings to serve as a driver for standardisation and improvementof care across Scotland
  • To provide benchmarking tools for various care aspects of older people in Scottish NHS health and social care setting to support improvement work in services across Scotland
  • To provide a health intelligence and knowledge transfer hub for service users , health care providers and policy makers through annual evaluation cycles

This is a joint initiative set up in late 2016 by three key partners: Healthcare Improvement Scotland , the British Geriatrics Society Scotland Council , and the University of Aberdeen as the lead Academic Institution with representatives from other Scottish Universities with Clinical Academic Departments in Geriatric Medicine.

SCoOp Acute Hospitals Outcome Report 2018-2019 Report

University of Aberdeen logo Healthcare Improvement Scotland logo British Geriatrics Society logo

For further information please contact:

Professor Graham Ellis
National Clinical Advisor for Ageing and Health to CMO
The Health and Social Care Directorate, The Scottish Government

Professor Phyo K Myint
Professor of Medicine of Old Age
University of Aberdeen

SCoOP Steering Group (Membership as of March 2018)


  • Professor Phyo Myint and Professor Graham Ellis

We expect to expand membership of the SCoOP Steering Group and are currently exploring endorsement and representation from other relevant stakeholders including Royal Colleges of multidisciplinary professionals and Third Sector organisations.