Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials


Led by Dr Roy L. Soiza, ACER team is contributing to the recruitment of participants for an EU-funded clinical trial called SENATOR at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. SENATOR is an international trial conducted across six European countries and involves the development and conduct of clinical trials of a new Software ENgine for the Assessment and optimization of drug and on-drug Therapy in Older perRons (SENATOR) with multimorbidity and polypharmacy.

Recruitment started in May 2014 and is still ongoing. The primary objective is to quantify the benefits of the SENATOR software engine in reducing Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) rates. Other objectives are to evaluate the effect of SENATOR software engine with regard to appropriate prescribing and use of non-pharmacological therapy. Health economics will also be assessed. The SENATOR project is funded by EU seventh framework (FP7) programme.

Find out more about SENATOR


The University of Aberdeen (co-led by Prof Myint and Prof Christine Bond ) is one of the research partners in the CHIPPS Programme. CHIPPS - The Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study (CHIPPS), is a 5-year, NIHR-funded research programme, which proposes that a suitable model for appropriate medicines management in care homes is a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber, who would assume responsibility for repeat prescriptions' monitoring and authorising and overall management of medicines in the care home.

The PIP would use personal pharmaceutical care plans (PCPs) to communicate prescribing decisions and plans between members of the care team.

Find out more about CHIPPS


In collaboration with Stroke Research Group, University of East Anglia, we are leading this study based at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norfolk, UK. It has two components, an observational study and a feasibility trial. The goal of the observational study is to see if there is a link between vascular risk factors, control of these risk factors and cognitive function after stroke/TIA. Participants in the observational study have their vascular risk factors (e.g. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irregular heart beat [atrial fibrillation]) and diabetes assessed at the start of the study and after 1 year.

The goal of the feasibility study is to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a hospital-based study of stroke/TIA patients who are at risk of further cognitive decline. Participants are randomly allocated to one of two groups: an intervention group and a control group. Participants in the intervention group have targets set for each of their risk factors which are monitored by the hospital and by their GP. Participants in the control group receive standard care. The cognitive test is repeated after 6 months and 1 year.

Find out more about SERVED-memory