Professor David Price

Professor David Price
Professor David Price
Professor David Price

Chair of Primary Care Respiratory Med


Page 16 of 18 Results 751 to 800 of 857

  • Foreword: Can dry powder inhalers be used interchangeably?

    Price, D.
    International Journal of Clinical Practice, vol. 59, no. SUPPL. 149
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • Achieving optimal asthma control: Can this be informed by recent studies of professional–patient communication?

    Cleland, J., Price, D.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 14, pp. 233-235
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Is living in a rural area good for your respiratory health?: Results from a cross-sectional study in Scotland

    Iversen, L., Hannaford, P. C., Price, D. B., Godden, D. J.
    Chest, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 2059-2067
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Questions for COPD diagnostic screening in a primary care setting

    Freeman, D., Nordyke, R. J., Isonaka, S., Nonikov, D. V., Maroni, J. M., Price, D. B., Halbert, R. J.
    Respiratory Medicine, vol. 99, no. 10, pp. 1311-1318
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Clinical management. Getting up to scratch.

    Price, D., Cross, S.
    The Health service journal, vol. 115, no. 5962, pp. 30-32
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effect of a concomitant diagnosis of allergic rhinitis on asthma-related health care use by adults

    Price, D. B., Sazonov-Kocevar, V., Zhang, Q., Yin, D. D., Thomas, M.
    Clinical & experimental allergy, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 282-287
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Asthma Related Healthcare Resource Use amongst asthmatic children with and without concommitant allergic rhinitis

    Thomas, M. D., Kocevar, V. S., Zhang, Q., Yin, D. D., Price, D. B.
    Pediatrics, vol. 115, pp. 129-131
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Asthma: A Longitudinal Study in UK General Practice

    Ruigomez, A., Rodriguez, L. A. G., Wallander, M., Johansson, S., Thomas, M. D., Price, D. B.
    Chest, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 85-93
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The National Montelukast Survey

    Thomas, M. D., Barnes, N., Price, D. B., Tate, H.
    Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 115, no. 1, pp. 47-54
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The prevalence of dysfunctional breathing in adults in the community with and without asthma

    Thomas, M. D., McKinley, R., Freeman, E., Foy, C., Price, D. B.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 78-82
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Asthma Patient Notes

    Thomas, M. D., Price, D. B.
    Best Medicine: Asthma, pp. 21-24, 3 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Asthma drug treatment patient notes

    Thomas, M. D., Price, D. B.
    Best Medicine: Asthma, pp. 297-302, 5 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy: an effective asthma treatment option?

    Vogelmeier, C., D'Urzo, A., Pauwels, R., Merino, J. M., Jaspal, M., Boutet, S., Naya, I., Price, D.
    European Respiratory Journal, vol. 26, pp. 819-828
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Cost-effectiveness of telephone or surgery asthma reviews: economic analysis of a randomised controlled trial.

    Pinnock, H. J., McKenzie, L., Price, D. B., Sheikh, A.
    The British Journal of General Practice, vol. 55, pp. 119-124
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Could interchangeable use of dry powder inhalers affect patients?

    Price, D., Summers, M., Zanen, P.
    International Journal of Clinical Practice, vol. 59, pp. 36
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Do healthcare professionals think that dry powder inhalers can be used interchangeably?

    Price, D.
    International Journal of Clinical Practice, vol. 59, pp. 26-29
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • General practitioners with a special interest in respiratory medicine: national survey of UK primary care organisations

    Pinnock, H., Netuveli, G., Price, D., Sheikh, A.
    BMC Health Services Research, vol. 5, 40
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Mobile phone technology in the management of asthma

    Ryan, D., Cobern, W., Wheeler, J., Price, D., Tarassenko, L.
    Journal of telemedicine and telecare, vol. 11, pp. 43-46
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The way forward: dry powder inhalers should only be switched with physician agreement and patient training

    Price, D.
    International Journal of Clinical Practice, vol. 59, pp. 36-37
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Measuring the effectiveness of asthma therapy

    Price, D.
    European Respiratory Review, vol. 13, no. 92, pp. 98-101
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Letter to the editor

    Price, D., Honeybourne, D., Little, P., Mayon-White, R. T., Read, R. C., Thomas, M., Wale, M. C., FitzGerald, P., Weston, A. R., Winchester, C. C.
    Respiratory Medicine, vol. 98, no. 8, pp. 801-803
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Development of a primary-care tool to assess treatment success in COPD: consensus report from a closed meeting of respiratory and primary-care specialists

    Reid, J., Price, D. B., van der Molen, T., Housset, B., Jardim, J., Jones, P., Kardos, P., Muir, J., Paggiaro, P., Rennard, S., Wouters, E.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 99-104
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Asthma natural history and diagnosis

    Thomas, M. D., Price, D.
    Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 2, pp. 110-115
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • ARIA in the pharmacy: management of allergic rhinitis symptoms in the pharmacy

    Members of the workshops, Bond, C. M., Price, D., Bousquet, J. (ed.), van Cauwenberge, P. (ed.), Khaltaev, N. (ed.)
    Allergy, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 373-387
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Community-acquired pneumonia mortality: a potential link to antibiotic prescribing trends in general practice

    Price, D. B., Honeybourne, D., Little, P., Mayon-White, R. T., Read, R. C., Thomas, M. D., Wale, M. C., FitzGerald, P., Weston, A. R., Winchester, C. C.
    Respiratory Medicine, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 17-24
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Adjustable and fixed dosing with budesonide/formoterol via a single inhaler in asthma patients: the ASSURE study

    Haughney, J. A. F., Ind, P. W., Price, D. B., Rosen, J. P., Kennelly, J.
    Respiratory Medicine, vol. 98, pp. 464-475
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • An economic evaluation of adjustable and fixed dosing with budesonide/formoterol via a single inhaler in asthma patients: the ASSURE study.

    Price, D. B., Haughney, J. A. F., Lloyd, A., Hutchinson, J., Plumb, J.
    Current Medical Research and Opinion, vol. 20, pp. 1671-1679
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Asthma and COPD

    Foster, J., Price, D. B., Scullion, J. E., Freeman, D.
    Churchill Livingston, Elsevier Science Limited, Edinburgh
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Drugs in Context - Desloratidine

    Price, D. B.
    Drugs in Context Primary Care Part E: Respiratory Medicine and Infections, vol. Primary Care Part E
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • Implementing self-management plans for asthma patients

    Cleland, J. A., Price, D. B.
    Prescriber, vol. 15, pp. 76-79
    Contributions to Specialist Publications: Letters
  • Inadequacies in UK primary care allergy services: national survey of current provisions and perceptions of need

    Levy, M. L., Price, D. B., Zheng, X., Simpson, C. R., Hannaford, P. C., Sheikh, A.
    Clinical & experimental allergy, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 518-519
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Letter to the Editor

    Honeybourne, D., Price, D. B., Little, P., Mayon-White, R. T., Read, R. C., Thomas, M. D., Wale, M. C., FitzGerald, P.
    Respiratory Medicine, vol. 98, pp. 801-803
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The diagnosis and assessment of asthma in primary care.

    Thomas, M. D., Price, D. B.
    Key Advances in the Clinical Management of Asthma 2, pp. 23-29, 6 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • The importance of preserving choice in inhalation therapy: the CFC transition and beyond

    Price, D. B., Valovirta, E., Fischer, J.
    Journal of Drug Assessment, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 45-61
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • Use of nebulizers in primary care: issues and challenges

    Price, D. B., Cleland, J. A., Thomas, M. D.
    Practical Handbook of Nebulizer Therapy. Jacob, B., O'Driscoll, B. R., Dennis, J. H. (eds.). CRC Press, pp. 211-232, 21 pages
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
  • Where next in clinical asthma research? An Asthma UK consultation on clinical asthma research strategy.

    Price, D. B., Thomas, M. D.
    Other Contributions: Other Contributions
  • The pharmacoepidemiology of COPD: recent advances and methodological discussion

    Burney, P., Suissa, S., Soriano, J. B., Vollmer, W. M., Viegi, G., Sullivan, S. D., Fabbri, L. M., Sin, D. D., Ernst, P., Coultas, D., Bourbeau, J., Mapel, D. W., Weiss, K., McLaughlin, T., Price, D. B., Sturkenboom, M. C. J. M., Taylor, R., Hagan, G. W.
    European Respiratory Journal, vol. 43, pp. 1s-44s
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pragmatic research tales: The ELEVATE study as an illustration of the issues involved in implementing pragmatic research

    Blyth, A., Musgrave, S., Price, D., Harvey, I.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 95
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Routine telephone review of asthma:: Authors' reply

    Pinnock, H., Bawden, R., Proctor, S., Wolfe, S., Scullion, J., Price, D., Sheikh, A.
    British Medical Journal, vol. 326, pp. 1267-1268
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: issues in primary care

    Price, D.
    New Zealand Family Physician, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 162-164
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Price, D. B.
    New Zealand Family Physician, vol. 30, pp. 162-164
    Contributions to Specialist Publications: Letters
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The lack of a national service framework should not allow us to ignore it

    Price, D. B., Duerden, M.
    British Medical Journal, vol. 326, no. 7398, pp. 1046-1047
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • Chronic Cough: Article is not consistent with WHO initiative on rhinitis and asthma

    Thomas, M. D., Price, D. B.
    British Medical Journal, vol. 326, no. 7397, pp. 1036-1036
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Requirements for medications commonly used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis

    Bousquet, J., Van Cauwenberge, P., Bachert, C., Canonica, G. W., Demoly, P., Durham, S. R., Fokkens, W., Lockey, R. J., Meltzer, E. O., Mullol, J., Naclerio, R. M., Price, D., Simons, F. E. R., Vignola, A. M., Warner, J. O.
    Allergy, vol. 58, pp. 165-263
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Breathing retraining for dysfunctional breathing in asthma: a randomised controlled trial

    Thomas, M. D., McKinley, R., Freeman, E., Foy, C., Prodger, P., Price, D. B.
    Thorax, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 110-115
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A pilot study to assess the feasibility and acceptability of undertaking acute asthma professional development in three different UK primary care settings

    Pinnock, H. J., Hoskins, G., Smith, B. H., Weller, T., Price, D. B.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 12, pp. 7-11
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A pilot survey of international delivery of care for COPD. GPIAG ASM

    Foster, J., Freeman, D., Price, D. B., Ostrem, A., Hoskins, G., McCowan, C.
    Primary Care Respiratory Journal, vol. 12
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Accessibility, acceptability, and effectiveness in primary care of routine telephone review of asthma: pragmatic, randomised controlled trial

    Pinnock, H. J., Bawden, R., Proctor, S., Wolfe, S., Scullion, J. E., Price, D. B., Sheikh, A.
    British Medical Journal, vol. 326, no. 7387, pp. 477-479
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • BDP switch to Symbicort improves Symptom severity. ATS, Seattle

    Price, D. B.
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 167
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • BTS Guidelines Managing Passengers with Respiratory Disease Planning Air Travel Summary for primary care of British Thoracic Society Recommendations

    Price, D. B.
    Thorax, vol. 57, pp. 289-304
    Contributions to Specialist Publications: Letters
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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals

Contributions to Specialist Publications

Working Papers

Other Contributions