Professor David Price

Professor David Price
Professor David Price
Professor David Price

Chair of Primary Care Respiratory Med


Page 9 of 86 Results 81 to 90 of 857

  • Development of a patient-centred electronic review template to support self-management in primary care: a mixed-methods study

    McClatchey, K., Sheldon, A., Steed, L., Sheringham, J., Appiagyei, F., Price, D., Hammersley, V., Taylor, S., Pinnock, H.
    BJGP Open, vol. 7, no. 2, 2022.0165
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • COPD exacerbations during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK

    Carter, V., Skinner, D., Shi Kai Chan, J., Patel, M., Hubbard, R. R., Parikh, H., Price, D.
    ERS 2023 International Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Characteristics associated with clinical remission in patients with severe asthma who initiate biologics

    Llano, L. P. d., Scelo, G., Tran, T. N., Le, T. T., Martin, N., Fagerås, M., Menzies-Gow, A. N., Wang, E., Wechsler, M. E., Walter Canonica, G., Heffler, E., Peters, M., Gibson, P. G., Al-Ahmad, M., Bergeron, C., Sadatsafavi, M., Cosio, B. G., Kuna, P., Perng, D. W., Iwanaga, T., Torres-Duque, C. A., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Mahboub, B., Papadopoulos, N. G., Al-Lehebi, R., Fonseca, J. A., Rhee, C. K., Maspero, J., Koh, M. S., Christoff, G. C., Popov, T. A., Kwiatek, J., Carter, V., Goh, C., Bulathsinhala, L., Beastall, A., Price, D.
    ERS 2023 International Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Biomarkers expression, treatment and disease burden in a cohort of Italian patients affected by severe asthma: a sub analysis of the ISAR EVEREST study

    Heffler, E., Canonica, G. W., Blasi, F., Paggiaro, P., Brussino, L., Caminati, M., Bagnasco, D., Camiciottoli, G., Bonini, M., Pelaia, G., Detoraki, A., Crimi, C., Boarino, S., Cristofari, G., Erhard, C., Carter, V., Price, D., Cook, B., Tram, T. N., Le, T. T., SANI and ISAR EVEREST study groups
    EAACI Congress 2023, pp. TP-A25
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Burden of illness in a cohort of Italian patients eligible for biologics for asthma but not treated: a sub analysis of the real-world ISAR EVEREST study

    Bonini, M., Canonica, G. W., Blasi, F., Paggiaro, P., Heffler, E., Brussino, L., Caminati, M., Bagnasco, D., Camiciottoli, G., Pelaia, G., Detoraki, A., Crimi, C., Boarino, S., Cristofari, G., Erhard, C., Carter, V., Price, D., Cook, B., Tran, T. N., Le, T. T., SANI and ISAR EVEREST study groups
    EAACI Congress 2023
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Identification of key opportunities for optimising the management of high-risk COPD patients in the UK using the CONQUEST Quality Standards: an observational longitudinal study

    Halpin, D. M., Dickens, A. P., Skinner, D., Murray, R. B., Singh, M., Hickman, K., Carter, V., Couper, A., Evans, A., Pullen, R., Menon, S., Morris, T., Muellerova, H., Bafadhel, M., Chalmers, J., Devereux, G., Gibson, M., Hurst, J. R., Jones, R., Kostikas, K., Quint, J., Singh, D., van Melle, M., Wilkinson, T. M., Price, D.
    The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, vol. 29, 100619
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Questions in Mild Asthma: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement

    Mohan, A., Lugogo, N. L., Hanania, N. A., Reddel, H. K., Akuthota, P., O'Byrne, P. M., Guilbert, T., Papi, A., Price, D., Jenkins, C. R., Kraft, M., Bacharier, L. B., Boulet, L., Yawn, B. P., Pleasants, R., Lazarus, S. C., Beasley, R., Gauvreau, G., Israel, E., Schneider-Futschik, E. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Martinez, F., Moore, W., Sumino, K.
    American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, vol. 207, no. 11, pp. e77-e96
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Association Between T2-related Comorbidities and Effectiveness of Biologics in Adult Patients From the International Severe Asthma Registry

    Price, D., Scelo, G., Porsbjerg, C., Murray, R., Tran, T. N., Martin, N., Al-Ahmad, M., Al-Lehebi, R. O., Bergeron, C., Busby, J., Canonica, G., Christoff, G., Rhee, C., Cosio, B. G., Fonseca, J., Heaney, L., Heffler, E., Popov, T., Sadatsafavi, M., Salvi, S., Torres-Duque, C. A., Wang, E., Wechsler, M. E., Hew, M., Iwanaga, T., Jackson, D. J., Kuna, P., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Mahboub, B., Máspero, J., Menzies-Gow, A., Papadopoulos, N., Perng, D., Peters, M., Pfeffer, P., PRISM working group
    2023 ATS International Conference
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • The influence of mixing inhaler devices on inhaler technique in COPD

    Kerkhof, M., Driessen, M., Gerritsma, Y., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Correia de Sousa, J., Dekhuijzen, R., Kerstjens, H. A., Leving, M., Price, D., Tsiligianni, I., Usmani, O.
    IPCRG 2023
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Implementation of a Primary Care Asthma Management Quality Improvement Programme across 68 General Practice Sites

    Gilchrist, F. J., Carroll, W. D., Clayton, S., Price, D., Jarrold, I., Small, I., Sutton, E. J., Lenney, W.
    npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, vol. 33, 21
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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