Medical Statistics

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Medical Statistics

The Medical Statistics Team comprises of statisticians working within two schools.

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

The expertise provided Medical Statistics Team in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences underpins the mission of the IAHS which is to improve health and health care delivery through excellence in applied health sciences research.

The methodological expertise of the Team covers a range of study designs and techniques including longitudinal data analysis, multilevel/hierarchal modelling, systematic reviews, IPD meta-analyses, N of 1 studies, data linkage studies and prediction modelling.

Check Methodological Strength panel below

School of Biological Sciences

Statistical work in the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences supports research into the fundamental biological consequences of environmental change.

We offer significant international expertise in understanding and modelling the soil/microbe/plant interface, the population and physiological responses of animals and plants from habitats as diverse as the deep ocean and tropical forests.


School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

Methodological Strengths

The methodological expertise of the team covers a wide range of topics including, but not limited to the following:

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

  • Prediction modelling
  • Survival analysis
  • Cubic spline analysis
  • SEM
  • Network meta analysis
  • Systematic reviews
  • Longitudinal data analysis
  • Data linkage studies
  • Mixed model repeated measures
  • Missing data
  • QoL / DIF
  • N of 1 studies

School of Biological Sciences

  • Spatial modelling
  • Markov and temporal modelling
  • Bayesian statistics
  • Genome wide association studies of complex traits
  • Gene and protein co-expression network analysis
  • Differential gene and protein expression methods

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

Student Clinics

The Medical Statistics Team offer statistical advice clinics for students in the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition. Students should report to room 1.026 (Polwarth Building) where a statistician will be on hand to discuss their query. Clinics are held daily between 1-2pm and are run on a first come first served basis.

PhD Students

Note that the daily student clinics are not open to PhD students. PhD students are advised to book an appointment through the standard Consultancy Service . To prevent misunderstanding in advice requested or provided, one or more supervisors are expected to accompany their PhD student to the initial appointment - there are no exceptions to this.

School of Biological Sciences

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