Qualitative Research Methods: in Partnership with Patients

In this section
Qualitative Research Methods: in Partnership with Patients

*NEW FOR 2023*

Please join us for a new intensive course - 'Qualitative Research Methods in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Health: in Partnership with Patients'

Dates: Monday 27th - Friday 31st March 2023
Location: Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen

In 2023 we will hold our inaugural intensive course in Qualitative Research Methods in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Health: in Partnership with Patients.

During the course, delegates will cover the value of using qualitative methods, independently or in conjunction with quantitative methods; different kinds of data collection and analysis; and quality in qualitative research. The faculty are experienced lecturers and experts in their field. Please see our group and researcher pages at:

The course is underpinned with patient stories and some sessions co-presented with PPI partners. The course was developed with patient partners from our PPI group:

We aim to take delegates to a level that would be covered in a qualitative research methods section of an MPH or module of a taught generic research methods MSc. Whilst the course will cover the principles of qualitative data collection and analysis, how different approaches could be employed for different study designs, and how these could be interpreted, it does not cover advanced analytical techniques. The course assumes no prior qualitative research methods training and will cover basic topics in each of the above areas, as well as some more advanced topics. For example, we will cover thematic analysis, grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis, and how to decide which is the most appropriate method for your research question.

Please contact epidemiology@abdn.ac.uk if you have any queries.

See below for further information.

Booking now open HERE .

Course details


Monday 27th - Friday 31st March 2023

Note: course registration starts at 13:30 on the Monday afternoon, and the final session finishes by 13:00 on the Friday.


Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen


Early bird rate: £800 (if booked by Friday 13th January 2023)
Full price: £950

How do I register?

Booking and registration

You can sign up for the course by visiting the course page at our online store here .

Book by 13th January 2023 to receive our 'early bird' discount of £800 (usual price £950)

All registrations should be made by Friday 24th February 2023. Late registration may be available after this point, however this will be subject to an additional administration fee. Please contact epidemiology@abdn.ac.uk to discuss.

Travel and accommodation

Travelling to Aberdeen

For the latest travel advice and information from the Scottish Government you can access the following resources:

If you are booking travel currently, you are recommended to only book refundable travel and accommodation due to potential uncertainties.

Additionally, we strongly recommend you consider the following when making your travel arrangements:

  • Flexible flight bookings (i.e. refundable fares)
  • Travel and medical insurance


While we do not currently have any specific agreements with any local hotels, previous delegates have found both the Douglas Hotel and Jury's Inn in the City Centre to be conveniently located, with easy access to local amenities and transport routes - please check the providers' own websites for rates, bookings and further details.