Name: Mrs Fiona Sim
Title of PhD Project: Language Delay and Psychopathology at Age 30 Months
Dates: September 2012 to May 2018
To explore the scope and predictive validity of universal community-based screening for neurodevelopmental difficulties in pre-schoolers. The PhD comprises of four key questions which have already/will be presented in the form of publications in peer-reviewed journals;
- What is the performance of available preschool screening tools for language and socio-emotional concerns?
- Can we develop a brief and accurate preschool neurodevelopmental screening tool for use in the community?
- What is the prevalence of neurodevelopmental concerns identified by a universal preschool screening tool?
- What do neurodevelopmental concerns identified in the preschool years predict in the early school years?
Supervisory team:
- Professor Philip Wilson
- Dr. Lucy Thompson
- Dr. Louise Marryat
Publication links:
- Invisible children: attempting to engage the most vulnerable families
- How evidence-based is an 'evidence-based parenting program'? A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis of Triple P
- Prevalence of reactive attachment disorder in a deprived population
- Language and social/emotional problems identified at a universal developmental assessment at 30 months
- Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months
- Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of environmental antenatal and early years risk factors
Sim F, Thompson L, Marryat L, Law J, Wilson P. Preschool developmental concerns and adjustment in the early school years: Evidence from a Scottish birth cohort. Child: Care, Health and Development 2019;45(5):719-36. doi: 10.1111/cch.12695
Sim F, Thompson L, Marryat L, Ramparsad N, Wilson P (2019) Predictive validity of preschool screening tools for language and behavioural difficulties: A PRISMA systematic review. PLoS ONE 14(2):e0211409.
Sim F, Haig C, O'Dowd J, Thompson L, Law J, McConnachie A, Gillberg C, Wilson P. Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months Research in Developmental Disabilities 2015. 45-46 : 69-82. Doi 10.1016/j.ridd.2015.07.017
Sim F, O'Dowd J, Thompson L, Law J, Macmillan S, Affleck M, Gillberg C, Wilson P. Language and social/emotional problems identified at a universal developmental assessment at 30 months. BMC Pediatrics 2014, 13:206 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-13-206