Current Projects Based Elsewhere

Current Projects Based Elsewhere


Trial of Healthy Relationship Initiatives for the Very Early-years (THRIVE): a Three Arm Randomised Controlled Trial for Mothers Identified as Vulnerable in Pregnancy and their babies who are at High Risk of Maltreatment


Henderson M, Wittkowski A, McIntosh E, McConnachie A, Buston K, Wilson P, Calam R, Minnis H, Thompson L, O'Dowd J, Law J, McGee E, Wight D, THRIVE Trial Research Team. Trial of healthy relationship initiatives for the very early years (THRIVE), evaluating Enhanced Triple P for Baby and Mellow Bumps for those with additional social and care needs during pregnancy and their infants who are at higher risk of maltreatment: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Trials. 2019;20:499.

Involved partners:

  • The University Court of the University of Glasgow
  • The University of Manchester
  • The University Court of Glasgow Caledonian University
  • The University Court of the University of Aberdeen
  • Greater Glasgow Health Board
  • The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne


The Best Services Trial (BeST?): Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the New Orleans Intervention: Model for Infant Mental Health.

Involved partners:

  • The University Court of the University of Glasgow
  • The University Court of the University Of Aberdeen
  • Kings College London
  • National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
  • Glasgow City Council
  • Lambeth Council Co-Applicant
  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde


Social and Emotional Education and Development: a Stratified, Clinical Randomized Trial of a multi-component Primary School Intervention that follows the Pupils’ Transition into Secondary School.

Involved Partners:

  • The University Court of the University of Glasgow
  • The University Court of the University of Aberdeen
  • The University Court of the University of St Andrews
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • University of Queensland
  • University of Stirling

LAC Dental

Looked After Children – Access to Dental Services and Oral Health in Scotland: a pathfinder national cross-sectoral record- linkage study.

Involved partners:

  • The University Court of the University of Glasgow
  • The University Court of the University of Aberdeen
  • The University Court of the University of St Andrews
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • University of Strathclyde

Secondary Analysis Data Initiative based on SDQ scores

Are longitudinal social, emotional and behavioural development (SDQ scores) related to socio-economic inequalities within Developed countries?

Involved partners:

  • The University Court of the University of Glasgow
  • The University Court of the University of Aberdeen
  • Scottish Government Health Department
  • Glasgow City Council Education Services

Danish Mental Health evaluation

A process evaluation of moderators, mediators and implementation of an indicated parent training program in the Copenhagen Infant Mental Health Project (CIMHP).

Involved Partners:

  • The University of Copenhagen
  • The University Court of the University of Aberdeen


The New Patterns study

based in South Norway, examines the impact of Family Coordinators on children living in disadvantaged families

Protocol paper:

Mølland E, Vigsnes KL, Bøe T, Danielsen H, Grimastad Lundberg K, Haraldstad K, Ask TA, Wilson P, Abildsnes E. The New Patterns study, coordinated measures to combat child poverty. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 49(5):571-579. doi:10.1177/1403494820956452

Language screening and early intervention study. Based in Newcastle, funded by Public Health England

Final report:

Law J, Charlton J, McKean C, Watson R, Roulstone S, Holme C, Gilroy V, Wilson P, Rush R. Identifying and Supporting Children’s Early Language. PHE Report 2020

Paper published:

Wilson P, Rush R, Charlton J, Gilroy V, McKean C, Law J. Universal language development screening: comparative performance of two questionnaires
BMJ Paediatrics Open 2022;6:e001324. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001324