Public Health

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Public Health


“The science and art of promoting and protecting health and well-being, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society” (WHO definition of Public Health).

We are led by an academic Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Professor Corri Black, and consist of a multidisciplinary group of researchers. We also work closely with Public Health Consultants and specialists from NHS Grampian.

Our work encompasses a number of research topics, with particular focus on healthcare evidence synthesis, multimorbidity, cohorts and healthy ageing. We offer a range of skills in data science, analysis of longitudinal studies, epidemiology and teaching. We are an outward facing group with a number of local and international collaborations.

The University of Aberdeen has recently developed a Master of Public Health programme, of which more information is available here . Our team contribute to teaching Public Health to both Masters and MBChB students.

Public Health related research is also carried out by most, if not all, research groups in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences. Please visit specific research group web pages for more information.


We have research areas studying the determinants of health and wellbeing in longitudinal cohorts, in particular making use of the Aberdeen Birth Cohorts .

Contact: Dr Jessica Butler for more information.

Cognitive Ageing

Dr Dorota Chapko conducted her PhD work examining cognitive ageing in the Aberdeen Birth Cohorts .

Evidence Synthesis

Since 2011, the University of Aberdeen has provided an Evidence Synthesis Service for NHS Grampian Public Health. The team includes:

  • Professor Corri Black, Professor of Public Health Medicine
  • Lynn Robertson , Research Fellow
  • Lyn Mair, Clinical Liaison Librarian NHS Grampian

In support of health service planning and delivery, intelligence has been provided on a wide range of topics. Recent projects include:

  • Reducing preventable admissions
  • Carers' Health
  • Fuel poverty - impacts on health
  • Evaluation of NHSG Evidence Synthesis Service
  • Delayed Discharges - Project 1 Causes and Interventions
  • Delayed Discharged - Project 2 Consequences
  • Gender differences among care home residents in Grampian
  • Active Travel
  • Inter-hospital transfer
  • Reconfiguration of clinical services
  • Surgical volumes: quality assessment of systematic reviews
  • Vulnerable groups - scoping definitions and mapping guidance
  • Nurse practitioners - elderly care
  • GP activity data
  • Substance Misuse - Children and Young People
  • NHS Grampian Diabetes Clinical Guidelines update - Screening section
  • Data safe havens
  • Scottish Public Health Observatory - renal section

NHS Grampian Evidence Synthesis Service Flyer

Contact: Lynn Robertson or Lyn Mair


We currently have a number of projects in the area of multimorbidity - examining its epidemiology, causes and outcomes.

Current projects:

  • Multimorbidity in secondary care: Using routine healthcare data to understand the measurement, burden and impact of multimorbidity in hospitalised patients. Contact Lynn Robertson .
  • Using the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s (ACONF) cohort to study the prevalence of multimorbidity, the early and later life risk factors for multimorbidity, and the life course factors determining resilience to multimorbidity. Multimorbidity is being measured in two ways: via patient self-report and via secondary care linked data. Contact Dr Marjorie Johnston .
  • Studying the prevalence of multimorbidity and the role of mental health conditions in an Australian primary care cohort (Diamond). Collaboration between Dr Marjorie Johnston and the University of Melbourne . Contact Dr Marjorie Johnston .