Mr Krzysztof Adamczyk

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Mr Krzysztof Adamczyk
Mr Krzysztof Adamczyk
Mr Krzysztof Adamczyk

BA (Hons), PgCert, MRes, AFHEA

Research Assistant



I am a Research Fellow at the Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science. Within that role, I am currently a PrincipaI Investigator (with Professor Phyo Myint) on a project entitled 'Enhancing a local birth cohort for the multidisciplinary study of ageing: Aberdeen Children of the 1950s (ACONF) in the years after retirement'. I'm also in the final stages of completing my ESRC-funded doctoral research in sociology at the School of Social Sciences.

As a sociologist of class and inequality, I'm interested in the cultural and health dimensions (both objective and subjective) of contemporary class divisions, subjective experiences of social mobility, and the social impact of oil (and other fossil fuels). I often take inspiration from the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. 

I am also interested in research methodology, data visualisation, and systematic reviewing. I attempt to cross disciplinary divisions and engage with social epidemiology and public health.

As a methodologist, I employ qualitative and quantitative methods, and I am fascinated by the art and science of mixed-method study designs. I find birth cohort studies to be a particularly fertile ground for deploying novel approaches.

During my PhD, I undertook an internship with the Scottish Government in the Scottish Household Survey team. Before working for the university, I was a Lecturer in Sociology at North East Scotland College (2017-2018) and worked in the Oil & Gas industry in HR and Business Travel Management.

The local press interviewed me about my work, including the Press & Journal, Evening Express and Energy Voice. I have also been featured in two documentaries:

  • Baile na h-Ola (Aberdeen: When Oil Came to Town), on BBC Alba (March 2023)
  • Darren McGarvey’s Class Wars, Ep.1 Identity Crisis, on BBC Scotland (February 2021)


  • MRes Social Research 
    2017 - University of Aberdeen 
  • PgCert Human Resource Management 
    2014 - Robert Gordon University 
  • BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences 
    2013 - Robert Gordon University 

Internal Memberships

I'm a member of the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s cohort study Steering Committee.


Latest Publications

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Research Areas

Applied Health Sciences

Funding and Grants

Adamczyk, K., and Myint, P. (joint-PIs), 2023, University of Aberdeen, Internal Funding to Pump-Prime Research and Research Networks (£14,560), ‘Enhancing a local birth cohort for the multidisciplinary study of ageing: Aberdeen Children of the 1950s (ACONF) in the years after retirement’.

Adamczyk, K., 2022, Scottish Funding Council, Saltire Emerging Researcher Award (£3,505), ‘Upward social mobility experience in times of social change: comparing approaches and case studies’, personal mobility award for a 7-week visit to the Instytut Kultury Polskiej at the University of Warsaw, Poland.

Johnston, M., and Adamczyk, K. (joint-PIs), 2019-2022, Wellcome Trust, ISSF Public Engagement Grant (£9,002), ‘Engaging with the Children of the 1950s study: telling the story of Aberdeen’.

Adamczyk, K., 2018-2023, Economic and Social Research Council, +3 PhD Studentship (~£85,000), ‘Beyond success: an exploration of the inter-generational social mobility effects on subjective wellbeing through life trajectories of the Aberdeen Children of 1950s’.


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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals