Overview of Research within the IAHS

Overview of Research within the IAHS

Research at The Institute of Applied Health Sciences

The Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) carries out internationally excellent research and teaching in order to improve health and health care delivery. Working together with national and international partners, the Institute of Applied Health Sciences (IAHS) is playing an important role in providing the knowledge which health services need to deliver effective and efficient health care into the future.

The IAHS is a multidisciplinary grouping of over 100 university academic staff who conduct population and clinically-orientated health research co-located on the Foresterhill health campus with clinical services of NHS Grampian. The Institute hosts the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU) and Health Economics Research Unit (HERU) , both funded by the Chief Scientist's Office (CSO) of the Scottish Government. It has research expertise in key health-related disciplines (epidemiology , medical statistics , health psychology ), focuses on specific clinical areas (reproductive health, respiratory health , urology , rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders ) and conducts research in the community (including
remote and rural areas ), primary and secondary care. Key groups provide technical and methodological expertise across the Institute, ensuring the success of projects, including the Medical Statistics Team, Data Management, and Health Informatics Research @Aberdeen .

The key aim of the IAHS is to improve health and health care delivery through excellence in applied health sciences research and translation of that research into practice and we deliver this through three research themes. The themes are:

  • understanding common health conditions
  • determining effective management strategies for health conditions
  • researching the delivery of care

while each also has a focus on advancing research methodology.