Honorary Senior Research Fellow
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
I’m the Lead Data Scientist at NHS Grampian and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen.
Networked Data Lab
I run the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian’s collaboration with The Health Foundation and four other NHS centres across the UK. This is a six-year project working to reduce health inequalities.
Our team’s specialty is working with big, messy, high-security health and social care data. My focus is creating useful analysis for policy makers and care providers.
Get in touch if you're interested in an academic-NHS collaboration for impact. We're always looking for partners in improving care.
Patient Pathways
We are studying patient pathways into and out of our hospitals. Knowing the answer to these questions helps tailor healthcare, which reduces stays in hospital and waits for people with scheduled care.
We’ll publish a briefing paper with our analysis combined with four other UK regions this autumn.
We’ve just begun to measure the consequences of longer waitlists within the NHS. We’re determining which specialties have patients who are using the most healthcare while they’re waiting. This will let us identify patients and procedures that could be prioritised (to save patient suffering and to more efficiently spend NHS resources).
Children's Mental Health
We recently finished a big project working to understand inequalities in children’s mental healthcare. Check out our briefing paper for policy makers. Or wade into our academic research article.
Research Culture
I’m a huge nerd for open science and good research culture. Scientists should be (but aren’t) rewarded for doing rigorous science. I recently gave evidence about this to the House of Commons Science & Technology committee. You can also watch a spicy symposium I hosted: Academic Journals are Broken. Let’s Build a Better Scientific Record.