Current and Upcoming Events
Page 1 of 11 to 5 of 5 Events
Cafe Sci - Time, place and pictures: how do we improve the care of stroke patients?
-Professor Mary Joan MacLeod will discuss research which seeks to improve the care of stroke patients
Precision Medicine in platelet disorders: Insights from the GAPP (Genotyping and Phenotyping of Platelets) Study.
-This event has been cancelled
Prof Neil Morgan - University of Birmingham
Collaborating with academia and the NHS on UK wide studies
-This event has been cancelled
Prof Neil Morgan - University of Birmingham
Diabetes and Metabolic dysfunction-associated diseases: understanding molecular pathways to treat and track them
-Dr Nimesh Mody - Institute of Medical Sciences
Cafe Sci - Musical Traditions of Scotland's Northern Sailors
-Explore the music that emerged in the seventeenth century Scotland in the wake of the Scottish whaling and fishing industries