Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 14 September 2006 - 07 October 2021
New project aims to improve treatment for cancer patients through artificial intelligence
A project jointly led by Professor James N'Dow will seek to use artificial intelligence to improve care for patients with prostate, breast and lung cancer.
Urology Foundation Trials Unit
CHaRT and the Academic Urology Unit (AUU) were successful in winning the open call for funding to act as The Urology Foundation’s (TUF) clinical trials unit. TUF is a charity dedicated to working with researchers and health care professionals to improve urology care in the UK. Jointly with The British Association of...
Women may hold the key to successful weight loss for men
The key to successful weight loss for men is women when they live with a female partner, a new study has found.
University research celebrated at Going Global conference
Pan-European research collaborations involving the University of Aberdeen were highlighted as part of a conference held in Germany to celebrate partnerships between UK and German universities.
Aberdeen researcher leads £10.5m prostate cancer project to answer 'critical' questions
A £10.5million prostate cancer project led by a researcher at the University of Aberdeen will use big data to answer critical questions about the 'under researched' disease.
Honoured for putting Aberdeen’s urology expertise on map
An Aberdeen clinical academic who is spearheading efforts to make life better for patients with urological problems has been rewarded for the international quality of his research.