

The Academic Primary Care (APC) research group of the Institute of Applied Health Science (IAHS). We are based in the Polwarth Building within the Foresterhill Campus.


The APC research group aims to conduct and report excellent research in primary care. To support our work we seek grants from local, national and international bodies, including charities, government and research councils. We aspire to disseminate our work at high impact conferences and by publications in high impact journals. The research we do aims to discover how primary care can best support people in the community. We also hope to influence the future research agenda.

Research Themes

There are two main themes for research in Academic Primary Care: Symptoms Research and Delivery of Primary Care. These themes link to the broader themes of research within IAHS.

Our symptoms research theme examines people's interpretation of symptoms and explores their decisions to seek medical treatment or not. A key interest is in how patients with symptoms suggestive of cancer and other serious conditions use healthcare and how clinicians in primary care react to their symptoms.

Our Delivery of Primary Care research examines the way services are provided. It includes research into how general practice provides care to people in the Northeast of Scotland and beyond. We have particular interests in supporting GPs to work with patients to arrive at the earliest possible diagnosis of cancer. We are also interested in how primary care can best support people affected by cancer once they have completed their hospital treatment


The Academic Primary Care research group comprises individuals from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds including clinical general practice, epidemiology, data science and pharmacy. The core staff are joined by colleagues employed on grants and completing fellowships. Our PhD students are integral to the group. The group is led by Professor Peter Murchie (a GP).

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To hear about APC news, events, grants, presentations and publications please follow us on Twitter @CAPCAberdeen.