SPSS and Statistics Courses

SPSS and Statistics Courses

The Medical Statistics Team run a series of annual courses which are open to University staff, NHS staff and external non-statisticians.

  • Introduction to SPSS
  • Introductory Medical Statistics
  • Intermediate Medical Statistics: (all three days as a package or individual days)
    • Day 1: Modelling continuous outcomes - linear regression
    • Day 2: Modelling binary outcomes - logistic regression
    • Day 3: Modelling time to event outcomes - survival analysis

The courses would be useful to anyone working in the field of medicine wishing to broaden their knowledge in research methodology or medical statistics. Further information on course content can be found below and please visit the feedback page to see some comments from previous students.

Please note that these three courses run just once a year, usually in March/April. Attending all three courses is allowed, but this is not recommended for people who have no previous experience as they are likely to find the pace of the Intermediate Medical Statistics course too fast.

Queries about these courses can be directed to Gail Mew, gail.mew@abdn.ac.uk