Contact us

Group Coordinators

Lisa Duncan e-mail / University profile

Mona Maier e-mail / University profile

Abigail Stephen e-mail / University profile


Welcome to the HABIT ECR Group

The HABIT-Group (Health And BehavIoural Science Training Group) provides support and training for Behavioural Scientists and researchers with an interest in Health and Behavioural Science during the early stages of their careers - from PhD Researchers, Research Assistants to Post-docs.

We host regular workshops, writing retreats, and journal clubs online.

If you are an early career researcher or a PhD student with an interest in Health and Behavioural Science and would like to join the group, to hear more information, or have any ideas about future workshops please get in touch .

HABIT Group Workshop Schedule 2023

Welcome to HABIT
12th May 2023 09.30-12.30 HSB 115 / Online

Welcome to the HABIT group, upcoming schedule, introductions and questions, followed by a writing retreat (dedicated time to come together and work on writing/projects). Speaker/Facilitator(s): Mona & Lisa

Writing Retreat
26th May 2023 09.30-12.30 HSB 115 / Online

Dedicated time to come together and work on writing/projects. Speaker/Facilitator: Mona

2nd June 2023 09.30-11.30 HSB 115 / Online

Using Zotero, Mendeley, and Rayyan for Referencing and Systematic Reviews Speaker/Facilitator(s): Mona & Lisa

23rd June 2023 Time TBC 3:052 Polwarth / Online

Academic CV Building Speaker/Facilitator: Dr Julia Allan

Writing Retreat
14th July 2023 09.30-12.30 HSB 115 / Online

Dedicated time to come together and work on writing/projects Speaker/Facilitator: Mona

11th August 2023 Time TBC HSB 115 / Online

The confusing terminology defining the field of Behavioural Science - Insights, Nudge Theory, and Health Psychology Speaker/Facilitator: Professor Marie Johnston

EHPS Presentation Feedback Session
25th August 2023 09.30-11.30 3:052 Polwarth / Online

An opportunity for anyone attending EHPS conference to get feedback on their presentations/posters Speaker/Facilitator(s): Mona & Lisa

22nd September 2023 Time TBC HSB 115 / Online

Open Science and Open Research Speaker/Facilitator: Dr Daniel Powell

HABIT Group Profiles