Health Psychology

Aberdeen Health Psychology Group

Health Psychology


The key focus of the Aberdeen Health Psychology Group is to study and advance psychological principles, theories and methods to understand and improve the health of the public and patients and the provision of healthcare.

Our core research and teaching team is comprised of Dr Chantal den Daas , Dr Dan Powell , Dr Clare Cooper , Dr Louisa Lawrie , and Emeritus Professor Derek Johnston and Emeritus Professor Marie Johnston . For our PhD-students, and other collaborators, see our People tab.

We offer a British Psychological Society accredited MSc Health Psychology that meets Stage 1 of the professional requirements for training as a Chartered Health Psychologist.

We collaborate with a range of disciplines within the University, including Academic Primary Care , Psychology , Health Services Research , Health Economics , Rowett Institute , the Epidemiology Group , Business School . Externally, we work with a wide range of academic, professional body, NHS, Government, local authority and third sector partners.

The group is involved in Scottish, British and European health psychology organisations. Our research is funded by agencies such as the NIHR, Medical Research Council (MRC), the Chief Scientists Office (CSO), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and others.

Research interests

The group has a range of research interests*, but we work mainly in the following five domains (theory, methods and interventions):

*more detail about our research available under the Research heading.

Health Promotion and Public Health
Stress and Health
Prevention, Risk and Infection
Decision Making and Health
Long Term Conditions


Health Psychology is made up of core staff and students, as well as active members of the Aberdeen Health Psychology Group (AHPG) made up of honorary staff, associate members and interdisciplinary members.


British Psychological Society (BPS) logoThe Aberdeen Health Psychology Group co-ordinate and deliver a British Psychological Society (BPS) professionally accredited postgraduate MSc in Health Psychology.

The course runs for 12 months full time (24 months part time) from September each year and successful completion confers Stage 1 of the BPS training requirements for Chartered Health Psychologist status.

Details of the programme content, entry requirements, and application procedures can be found in the online prospectus .

Contact us

Aberdeen Health Psychology Group
School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Aberdeen
Health Sciences Building
Foresterhill, Aberdeen
AB25 2ZD

For specific enquiries, please contact the relevant member of staff - contact details are available on the People page. For research related enquiries, please contact Dr Chantal den Daas, Head of Group ( ). For enquires about the MSc in Health Psychology contact the Student Recruitment & Admissions .


The Aberdeen Health Psychology Group's research programme is focused around five core Health Psychology domains:

  • Health Promotion and Public Health
  • Stress and Health
  • Prevention, Risk and Infection
  • Decision Making and Health
  • Long Term Conditions

Research Programme Lead: Dr Chantal den Daas