Events and Outputs

Events and Outputs

As part of group engagement activities we participate in a number of public-facing events, both in-person and online, and where possible we will make recordings of these events available here.

BRUCES study awarded £1 million to address inequalities in rural and island healthcare

The BRUCES study, co-led by Dr Rosemary Hollick, seeks to understand differences in health and wellbeing in rural and island areas, with a particular on focus musculoskeletal conditions, cancer and frailty. This research will explore how these differences are caused, and effective ways to address them.

The study team includes people with lived experience, along with expertise from clinical medicine, health services research, health economics and human geography. The multi-disciplinary team includes Michelle Stevenson, a member of our Core Patient Involvement and Engagement group , who lives in remote rural Scotland and has lived experience of chronic long-term health conditions.

You can read the study's press release here .

Stop ticking boxes: it just doesn't work

In this piece, which accompanies our recent paper from the VOICES study , public contributors Lynn Laidlaw and Mo McBain discuss their frustrations in trying to navigate healthcare systems which are not designed to support people with complex rare autoimmune conditions such as systemic vasculitis.

You can read the full article here (free sign-up required)

Voicing experience to improve care for people with rare autoimmune conditions - researchers and patients discussion

In this video, the VOICES team discuss how they work together, productive tensions they experience, and the relationships they try to build in this award-winning presentation.

You can watch the video below, or read more about this in Louise Locock's accompanying blog 'Frankly speaking - conversations about PPI '.

Research into biologic therapies - presentation and discussion

Biologic therapies are a key treatment option for some common rheumatological conditions, including axial spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

In this Facebook Live event, Professor Gareth Jones discusses what biologics are, their development, and findings regarding these drugs from the BSRBR-AS registry study.

Click here to view the presentation (opens in a new window)

BSR Biologics Registers (focus on BSR-PsA registry) - presentation and discussion

In this presentation, Professor Gareth Jones discusses more about biologics, and in particular registry studies run by the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) , with a focus on the Epi groups BSR Psoriatic Register (BSR-PsA) .

Click here to view the presentation (opens in a new window)