Activity 1: Database interrogation
We will first interrogate a range of datasets with health and work outcomes to see if they have sufficient granularity to answer research questions about potential risk factors for poor occupational outcomes for young people living with pain. We will investigate population-based longitudinal studies to see if we would be able to examine patterns of employment, unemployment, transitions between them, and other beneficial occupational activities such as attending university, for young people living with pain who are leaving school, starting with cases aged 14 (as this is when many vocational considerations arise in school and in young people's development) and following cases until approximately age 30.
We will bring the results of this work to the round table to make final decisions about which studies could be used in analyses, depending on whether relevant data have been collected and are available in a format suitable for analysis. Collating meta-data on candidate datasets around pain and work/further education in younger people should also provide a useful resource in terms of other future studies within the CMHW too. From our initial scoping of which datasets may be relevant, we consider that the Avon Longitudinal Study of Children and Parents (ALSPAC) , the Millennium Cohort Study , the British Cohort Study , Next Steps , and Understanding Society are likely candidates.
Activity 2: Rapid evidence review
We will conduct a rapid evidence review of current vocational and occupational support for young people aged 14-19 with persistent pain, including within educational, healthcare and non-healthcare community settings. This is important as there is no clear evidence of what is actually available to support young people aged 14-19 in pain as they transition from school to post-school occupation, including paid and unpaid work, apprenticeships, and university. We also want to know if available interventions work or not. Barriers and enablers to transitions may be because (a) support simply does not exist; (b) support does exist but is not readily available or accessible to all who need it; (c) available support is not effective or (d) a combination of all of above. The rapid review will scope out what does work when, for whom, and why.
Activity 3: Round table of key stakeholders to plan the larger bid
Finally, we will conduct a round-table event for research, practitioner and policy experts, and key stakeholders including the young people themselves. At this event, we will report on the findings of activities one and two, and use these findings to plan the larger bid. Confirmed round table attendees include: patient partners from the
University of Aberdeen Epidemiology PPIE group , relevant policy-makers and programme managers, clinicians, third sector representatives and researchers. Invited researchers will span pain science, paediatric pain psychology, occupational health, occupational medicine, health psychology, educational psychology, epidemiology, health economics and review methodology. Crucially, we will also ensure we include representatives from the young people's cohort, and some of the support services that are identified in the earlier two pump-priming activities. The round table is designed to be interdisciplinary, as are the three activities proposed here, in order to prepare our large grant application, which itself will be highly interdisciplinary, in order to solve a challenging and pressing problem.