Successful transitions from school to post-school occupations for young people with persistent pain (the TickTock study)

Successful transitions from school to post-school occupations for young people with persistent pain (the TickTock study)

Duration: 01 May 2022 - 30 September 2022
Funder: Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF)
Chief investigator: Dr Elaine Wainwright
Co-investigators: Dr Rosemary Hollick , Professor Gareth Jones , Dr Dan Powell
Associated research staff: Dr Marcus Beasley

Transitioning from paediatric to adult healthcare is challenging for youth in the UK living with persistent pain. We know little about how to support their transition from school to post-school occupations such as work, university or an apprenticeship. It is vital to optimise their vocational support needs. This is because for nearly everyone, including those living with pain, safe and appropriate work supports positive physical and psychosocial outcomes. However, pain disrupts working lives. There is much research on how to enable work for older adults aged 30 and over who live with pain, but little on younger adults aged 19-30, and very little indeed on young people who are coming to the end of formal schooling and transitioning into post-school occupations (14-19).

This scoping project will enable three key pump-priming activities for a large funding application. First, we will interrogate a range of large datasets with health and work outcomes, to see if they have sufficient granularity to answer research questions about risk factors for poor occupational outcomes for young people living with pain. Second, we will conduct a rapid evidence review of current vocational support for this group. Third, there will be a round-table event for research, practitioner, and policy experts to plan the larger application.