RHEUmatic and musculoskeletal conditions: geographical MApping of Prevalence and outcomeS

RHEUmatic and musculoskeletal conditions: geographical MApping of Prevalence and outcomeS

Duration: 01 June 2020 - 31 May 2024
Funder: Nuffield Foundation / Versus Arthritis
Chief investigator: Dr Rosemary Hollick
Other investigators from the group: Professor Gary Macfarlane
Other UoA investigators: Professor Corri Black

Where people live can present a significant challenge to delivering timely and equitable healthcare. To effectively plan local and national services to meet the needs of people with a broad range of Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs), it is first necessary to understand how many people in each region have each condition(s), who they are, where they live and how this relates to existing services.

It is also important to understand their care priorities, recognising that these might be different for different groups of patients with RMDs, what resources and service components they feel are important, missing, could be improved or currently work well to achieve these priorities.

However, timely access to this information to inform service planning and evaluation is lacking. Focusing on Wales and Scotland, the RHEUMAPS study will link healthcare records to understand the extent of geographical differences in the prevalence and outcomes of those living with RMDs, and factors driving such differences.

We will also survey and interview people living with RMDs across the UK in rural and urban areas to understand their priorities for care.

Interactive maps will be developed to allow decision makers to understand the burden of rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions and better support local and national service planning and evaluation of services for people with RMDs.

You can read more information about the study here , or under the headings below.


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