Building Rural-Urban healthCare Equity for Scotland (BRUCES)

Building Rural-Urban healthCare Equity for Scotland (BRUCES)

Duration: 01 September 2024 - 31 August 2029
Funder: Chief Scientist Office
Chief investigators: Prof. Peter Murchie , Dr Rosemary Hollick
Other co-investigators: Dr Natalia Calanzani , Prof. Louise Locock , Dr Andrew Maclaren, Dr Stephen Makin , Prof. Lorna Philip , Prof. Mandy Ryan , Mrs Michelle Stevenson

The BRUCES project brings together a multi-disciplinary team of people with expertise in clinical medicine, health service research, health economics and human geography, alongside patients interested in improving rural healthcare delivery.

The project will look at important rural health inequalities, how they are caused, and effective ways to address them. Ultimately, it will support the delivery of existing policy and inform the design of future rural and island policy, promoting social justice and enhancing the wellbeing of all Scotland's residents, regardless of where they live.

The research will focus initially on three common health issues: cancer, musculoskeletal conditions and frailty which will give insight into acute and longer-term conditions across different age groups and health conditions treated locally and in specialist centres.

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