Page 1 of 6Results 1 to 10 of 59, 03 April 2024 - 27 February 2025
Welcome to the group: John Walid Handal
John grew up in the UAE and Canada, and recently moved to Aberdeen to finish his PhD. He is joining the Epidemiology group as a Research Programme Administrator for the BRUCES project. Having lived in regions of extreme cold (-40C) and extreme heat (+40C), John welcomes Aberdeen's extremely mild weather...
Welcome to the group: Shouq AlGhamdi
Shouq joins the group all the way from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, swapping the very warm weather for the very cold (but sunny!) Aberdeen! Sometimes, you need to make such a choice to be supervised by one of the best in the field!
Welcome to the group: Sophie Green
Sophie recently joined the group after relocating from Shetland, and will be our new Administration Coordinator.
Welcome to the group: Sung-A Sophia Kim
Sung-A Kim (Sophia) joins us from Kyung Hee University in South Korea. She is a doctoral student and a board-certified Korean Medicine doctor.
Welcome to the group: Jennifer Summers
Jennifer joins the group from Otago University in New Zealand, and will be taking up the role of Senior Lecturer with a special interest in anaesthetics and pain management.
New technical report series now available!
Our technical reports include summaries of key findings and recommendations for policy and practice, and are now available to download!
Findings from the VOICES study provide evidence on how best to organise services to improve care
The VOICES study is delighted to announce some key outputs from research investigating how best to deliver effective services for people living with vasculitis.
BRUCES study awarded £1 million to address inequalities in rural and island healthcare
The study, which is co-led by Dr Rosemary Hollick, has been awarded £996,081 from the Scottish Government's Chief Scientist Office to fund a 5-year project that will examine healthcare inequalities in rural and island areas.
VOICES study shows how we can improve outcomes and care for thousands with rare conditions
The study provides first-ever evidence of how best to deliver effective services that will improve health outcomes and experiences of care for the thousands of people across the UK living with rare conditions such as vasculitis.
Welcome to the group: Nourah Alotaibi
Nourah is passionate about research and teaching and recently joined the group as a PhD student. She has a background in anaesthesia and completed her MSc in Critical Care at the University of Glasgow.