Rod Sampson: PhD student

Rod Sampson: PhD student

Name: Dr Rod Sampson MBChB FRCGP

Title of PhD project: Developing and evaluating an educational complex intervention at the primary-secondary care interface.


Using a combination of qualitative synthesis and original research, a 'Practice-based Small Group Learning' educational module was created. The MRC framework for complex intervention development guided the work. The module was piloted in NHS Grampian and further shaped by contextual feedback from across NHS Scotland. The final phase of the research programme was to run the educational intervention in NHS Highland with groups of interface clinicians. Three-month post intervention, research impact was explored.

Supervisory team:

  • Professor Philip Wilson
  • Professor Ronald MacVicar

Papers published:

  • R Sampson, R MacVicar, & P Wilson. Development of an interface-focused educational complex intervention. Education for Primary Care (2017), DOI: 10.1080/14739879.2017.1309690
  • T Kitz, N Burnand, A Ortner, I Rudd, R Sampson, G Rushworth and S Leslie. Unexpected deaths in cardiology outpatients - what can we learn from case review? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open; 7(12) 1-8 DOI:10.1177/2054270416669301
  • R Sampson, R Barbour and P Wilson. Email communication at the medical primary-secondary care interface: a qualitative exploration. British Journal of General Practice 2016; DOI: 10.3399/bjgp16X685273
  • R Sampson, R Barbour and P Wilson. The relationship between GPs and hospital consultants and the implications for patient care: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice (2016) 17:45 DOI 10.1186/s12875-016-0442-y
  • R Sampson,
J Cooper, R Barbour, et al. Patients' perspectives on the medical primary-secondary care interface: systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research. British Medical Journal Open 2015;5:e008708. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015- 008708
  • Sampson R, MacVicar R, Wilson P. Improving the primary-secondary care interface in Scotland; a qualitative exploration of impact on clinicians of an educational complex intervention. BMJ Open 2017, 7:e016593. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016593

  • Sampson R, MacVicar R, Wilson P. Development of an interface-focused educational complex intervention, Education for Primary Care, 2017, 5: 265-273 DOI: 10.1080/14739879.2017.1309690

  • Sampson R, Barbour RS, Wilson P. The impact of interface clinician relationships upon patient care; a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice 2016, 17:45. DOI: 10.1186/s12875-016-0442-y.

  • Sampson R, Wilson P, Barbour R. Email communication at the medical primary-secondary care interface: a qualitative exploration. BJGP 2016, 66: 467-473

  • Sampson R, Cooper J, Barbour R, Polson Robert, Wilson P. Patients' perspectives on the medical primary-secondary care interface: systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e008708 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008708