Alistair Appleby: PhD student

Alistair Appleby: PhD student

Appleby A, Swinton J, Wilson P: Spiritual care training and the GP curriculum: where to now?, Education for Primary Care 2019; 30(4), 194-197. DOI:10.1080/14739879.2019.1600383

Appleby A, Swinton J, Bradbury I, Wilson P. GPs and Spiritual Care, Signed up or Souled out? A quantitative analysis of GP trainers' understanding and application of the concept of spirituality. Education for Primary Care 2018, 29(6): 367-375

Appleby A, Wilson P, Swinton J. Spiritual Care in General Practice: Rushing in or Fearing to Tread? An Integrative Review of Qualitative Literature. Journal of Religion and Health, 2018 57(3), 1108-1124. DOI 10.1007/s10943-018-0581-7