Page 11 of 13Results 101 to 110 of 125, 07 October 2014 - 21 July 2015
MIME Technologies!
MIME Technologies is now incorporated!
Key child development report from Professor Phil Wilson
Report published into the status of early child development in Jersey from Professor Phil Wilson
Cafe Sci Event, Eden Court, Inverness 23 June 2015 at 7pm
Are most positive findings in psychology research false? An activist perspective" James Coyne PhD
CRH host course for Norwegian GPs
CRH host course for Norwegian GPs
Professor Christopher Gillberg is welcomed as an Honorary Professor
Professor Christopher Gillberg is welcomed as an Honorary Professor, in the Division of Applied Health Sciences
Highland Ultrasound Research Symposium 10th Feb 2015 - advance news
Highland Ultrasound Research Symposium 10th Feb 2015 - advance news
Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Awards 2015
CRH Shortlisted for Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Awards 2015
Book Week Scotland
Commendation for 'The Queen is taking a holiday' by Leila Eadie, CRH
New publication!
BMC Health Services Research: Abstract: The experience of community first responders in co-producing rural health care: in the liminal gap between citizen and professional
Inverness event to provide insights into the childhood roots of adult health and mortality
The second series of the increasingly popular Café Scientifique in Inverness draws to a close with an informal talk outlining how illness in childhood may affect health and mortality in adulthood.