MD student Viv Blackhall's paper is now available at BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning
CRH MD student, Vivienne Blackhall, has been working on a systematic review of head camera-cued recall and debriefing to help elicit and share medical expertise - and it is now published 'online first' and available to read at BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning.
The review supports the idea that footage recorded by head camera could be used during debriefing sessions to provide insights into performance, which can then be used to share the expertise and help train other practitioners.
Blackhall VI, Walker KG, Whiteley I, Wilson P. Use of head camera-cued recall and debrief to externalise expertise: a systematic review of literature from multiple fields of practice. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning Published Online First: 16 October 2018.