PINE Study

PINE Study

P.I.N.E.Based in Aberdeen, Scotland, the Parkinsonism Incidence in North-East (PINE) study is a large population-based incidence cohort of Parkinson's disease and other forms of parkinsonism which is generating robust data to better understand how people are affected by these conditions.

Key features:

  • One of the largest incidence cohorts worldwide (201 patients with Parkinson's disease, 114 with other forms of parkinsonism)
  • Derived from incidence study with high consent rate to follow-up (94%) resulting in a population-representative cohort
  • Very few losses to follow-up (e.g. >99% ascertainment of death and dementia)
  • Participants are seen annually (at home if needed)
  • Carer and matched control cohorts
  • Wide range of demographic, clinical, genetic, and imaging data
  • High rate of pathological diagnostic confirmation