Studies Within A Trial (SWAT) and Studies Within A Review (SWAR).This MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research funded study aims to promote the routine adoption of nested studies within clinical trials to test out different ways to aid the conduct and delivery of clinical trials. SWATs are short protocols describing an intervention that could be evaluated in a host trial, for example, interventions aimed at increasing recruitment, or linked to trial management. An example is at;jsessionid=9B11769C61F70E780D056F7D584A5479.f02t04.
The SWAT/SWAR project is led by Mike Clarke at the University of Belfast.
- Shaun Treweek;
Ongoing - Data CollectionPublications
Devane, D, Burke, NN, Treweek, S, et al. Study within a review (SWAR). J Evid Based Med. 2022; 1- 5.