Terry Mackie

Terry Mackie
Terry tells us about his varied career, his many volunteering roles and how family life keeps him busy


Tell us about your role at ACE

I joined the group a few years ago and I’m doing similar work for the North of Scotland Research Ethics Committee. My role is as a ‘lay member’ to revise and advise on the language used in applications and studies on health issues so that the public can easily understand the proposals. 

Tell us a bit about your background and what you do now

Born and brought up in Aberdeen (although have lived elsewhere in Scotland, England and Wales) and after leaving school studied architecture at RGIT (now RGU). I planned, designed, and built housing, schools, hospitals etc. As in many jobs, I moved on and became a Project Manager (a Project Director in the NHS). I then became a Non-executive Director at NHS Grampian for 8 years. During my time as a student, I worked in the steelworks in South Wales, power stations in England, and as a kitchen porter in hotels in Scotland, so I have a variety of life experiences. 

Now, I am a member of ROTARY and I’m the group leader of the Aberdeen Macular Society and the Aberdeen History Society. I’m keen on sports, particularly rugby (having coached Aberdeenshire RFC for several years) and golf. I’m also trying to learn Italian and to play guitar, but not particularly successfully!

My wife Barbara and I have two daughters and four grandchildren, so that can keep us busy.

What is your favourite thing about your role in ACE?

I like the variety of projects that I have to (try to) deal with, as it’s also a learning curve for me. Hopefully, if we get things right it might improve the lives of others. 

How do you usually start your day?

I usually get up quite early in the morning, then do 20-25 minutes of exercise, then shower etc. I then do a one-mile round-trip walk to buy the morning paper. I have my breakfast and read the paper and do various quizzes and crosswords (to kick-start my brain).

How do you relax?

I do various sports, but mainly walk everywhere, into town and out of town. I like gardening, to an extent! I also have fairly regular meetings with friends and family for a drink or a meal of coffee. 

What was the last thing you posted on your social media profiles?

A few comments to friends and family on Facebook.