Zoë Skea and Seonaidh Cotton from HSRU, along with Maggie Cruickshank from Obstetrics & Gynaecology, recently supervised a project undertaken by Adrianna Klejnotowska, a medical student at the University of Aberdeen undertaking a BSc Medical Sciences project.
Following a successful viva last week, Adrianna has been awarded two prizes - the Association of Physicians Intercalated Degree Project Prize and the Reproductive Science Prize.
Adrianna’s project explored opinions and concerns about the HPV vaccine on a UK online discussion forum. Within the forum, opponents of the vaccine posted negative personal experiences of the vaccination process including perceived side effects they attributed to the vaccine. In contrast, advocates of the vaccine posted personal experiences of HPV-related disease. The results suggest that some parents who decline the vaccine for their daughter share common concerns and uncertainties regarding the vaccine. Addressing these concerns and uncertainties may increase vaccine uptake.
Adrianna recently presented her work at the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting, and was awarded the prize for the best Oral Presentation.