Current Students studying for a PhD
Student: Mélanie Antunes
Project: Public and patient preferences for social prescribing
Student: Huixuan Gao
Project: The value and costs of unpaid care for older people in China
Student: Charlotte Kennedy
Project: Methods for the economic evaluation of artificial intelligence algorithms in breast cancer diagnosis
Student: Niamh McAuley
Project: The health and well-being effects of pest rodent management strategies in rural Madagascar
Student: Pauline Ogilvie (part-time, online)
Project: General Practitioner practices: the impact of contract changes on General Practices in Scotland
Student: Georgie Rendall
Project: Enhancing health and well-being: what are the gains from social prescribing?
Student: Carolina Yanez Contreras
Project: Valuing the benefits of oral health interventions for use in economic evaluation
HERU staff currently studying for a PhD
Student: Michael Abbott
Project: An economic evaluation of genomic sequencing for the diagnosis of rare conditions in Scotland
Recently Completed PhDs
Student: Emma Tassie
Project: Using existing data to incorporate broader measures of value in economic evaluation
Student: Divya Mohan
Project: Incorporating preference heterogeneity in economic evaluation: informing "realistic medicine"
Student: Xuemin Zhu
Project: The role of risk and time preferences and personality in clinical decision making
Student: Uma Thomas (part-time)
Project: Using insights into time preference and present bias to develop an intervention to improve adherence to exercise
Student: Ni Gao
Project: The gift of time: how do I use it and how should I use it?
Student: Ruben Sakowsky
Project: Our values or mine? A philosophical and empirical critique of deliberative and stated preference elicitation techniques in health economics
Staff: Dwayne Boyers
Project: External validity of DCEs: a case study of dental care
Student: Kevin Momanyi
Project: Enhancing quality in social care through economic analysis
Student: Laura Dysart
Project: Applying economic methods to optimise self-management
Student: Alastair Irvine
Project: The role of time preference in the medical decision making context
Student: Luis Loría
Project: Investigating willingness to pay for low emission public transportation
Student: Gin Nie Chua
Project: Assessment of the external validity of discrete choice experiments: an application in pharmacy
Student: Liam Mc Morrow
Project: Economic aspects of food choice and its association with health inequalities in Scotland and the UK
Student: Sebastian Heidenreich
Project: Do I care or do I not? An empirical assessment of decision heuristics in discrete choice experiments
Staff: Rodolfo Hernández
Project: Broadening the valuation space in health technology assessment: the case of monitoring individuals with ocular hypertension