Health Economics for Health Professionals Postgraduate Programme

Health Economics for Health Professionals Postgraduate Programme

Health Economics for Health Professionals Postgraduate Programme

Our programme in Health Economics for Health Professionals builds on our 25 years of experience providing the Post Graduate Certificate in Health Economics and offers students an opportunity to extend their studies to Diploma and MSc level.

The Programme is aimed at health professionals and at other interested students who would like to improve their understanding of health economics and research methods who are unable to study full-time and/or want to avoid relocating. No experience of economics is necessary.

Health economics applies economic thinking to the analysis of health and healthcare. This programme provides students with a knowledge of core issues in health economics and their relevance to working health professionals. The programme will help you understand what health economics can contribute to decisions over the allocation of scarce resources, the techniques available for use within an economic evaluation, and the input health economics can provide answers to broader questions concerned with the provision and financing of health care.

Students study core courses in economic concepts; economic evaluation methods; application and policy of economic investigation; health care financing and provision; the economics of health behaviour and applied statistics. Courses on generic health research methods, chosen from research design; evidenceā€based health; health informatics and qualitative methods provide students wishing to progress to the MSc programme with additional skills to complete their dissertation.

The full Programme details, including how to apply, are available on the University of Aberdeen Health Economics for Health Professionals web pages.

For further information please contact the Programme Coordinator Dr Shelley Farrar or the Graduate School at the University of Aberdeen.