Online Short Courses in Health Economics
- Health Economics
- Economic Evaluation: Principles and Frameworks
- Economic Evaluation: Applications and Policy
This online short course is for health professionals and other interested students who would like an introduction to the core concepts in health economics. No prior knowledge of economics is required.
Health economics applies economic thinking to the analysis of health and healthcare. This course will introduce students to core topics in health economics including the organisation, financing and delivery of healthcare, economic evaluation of alternative ways of providing healthcare, and the economics of health behaviours.
Health Economics is a 16-week course (including a three-week spring holiday), delivered entirely online. This is a Masters level course, taught by HERU staff, and is worth 15 credits. You can study with us anywhere in the world and manage your study hours to suit you. The time commitment is 10-15 hours per week. The course will next start in January 2025.
There are more details of the course content, delivery and fees at the University of Aberdeen online short courses page - Health Economics.
This short course is delivered online an offers an opportunity to learn to use a range of economic evaluation methods, including cost-effectiveness analysis. The course covers key economic evaluation concepts, how to interpret cost-effectiveness evidence, and identify high-quality economic evaluation studies. The practicalities of choosing the appropriate type of economic evaluation are also covered.
There is no need to have a background in economics to join the course. The 15-credit course is taught at Masters level by HERU staff, and also forms part of our Postgraduate Programme in Health Economics for Health Professionals. It is delivered entirely online, with a time commitment of 10-15 hours per week, over 12 weeks. The 2024 course is open for registration and starts on 23rd September.
There are more details of the course content, delivery and fees at the University of Aberdeen online short courses page - Economics Evaluation: Principles and Frameworks.
This short course is also delivered online and offers an opportunity to learn more about economic evaluations. The course covers how to collect data for economic evaluations, how economic evaluations are conducted, and how they can be used to inform the efficient allocation of scarce healthcare resources.
There is no need to have a background in economics to join the course but you do need to be competent in Microsoft Excel. You also have to have completed the introductory course (see above) on 'Economic Evaluation - Principles and Frameworks'.
The course is a 15 credit course and is taught at Masters level by HERU staff. It also forms part of our Postgraduate Programme in Health Economics for Health Professionals. The course is delivered entirely online, with a time commitment of 10-15 hours per week, over 12 weeks. The next course begins on 27 January 2025.
There are more details of the course content, delivery and fees at the University of Aberdeen online short courses page - Economic Evaluation: Application and Policy.