Technology Assessments

Technology Assessments

We lead the health economics component of health technology assessments undertaken across the IAHS. These include NIHR funded and externally funded trials and cohort studies of new and existing interventions. The research is generally multidisciplinary and undertaken in collaboration with research groups in the University of Aberdeen and external centres of excellence.

Current Projects

DIAMOND - Deep infiltrating endometriosis: management by treatment versus early surgery
HERU Contact: Graham Scotland
Link: NIHR Award 130310
ELIPSE - a randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of lymph node removal in patients undergoing curative surgery for localised high-risk prostate cancer
HERU Contact: Graham Scotland
Link: NIHR Award 152686
HEALTH - Hysterectomy or Endometrial AbLation Trial for Heavy menstrual bleeding - long-term follow-up
HERU contact: Graham Scotland
Link: ISRCTN49013893
LENS - Lowering Events in Non-proliferative retinopathy in Scotland
HERU contact: Graham Scotland
Link: ISRCTN15073006
PIP - Pulpotomy for the management of irreversible pulpitis in mature teeth
HERU contact: Dwayne Boyers
Link: NIHR Award 129230
Plan-A - Planning mode of birth in routine Antenatal care: development of a decision-aid
HERU contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: NIHR Award 150979
PROSPECT follow up - PROlapse Surgery: Pragmatic Evaluation and randomised Controlled Trial
HERU Contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: NIHR Award 07/60/18
PROTEA - PROgesterone for ThrEAtened Miscarriage
HERU Contact: Graham Scotland
Link: CSO HIPS/23/15
REFLECt trial: a Randomised controlled trial to Evaluate the clinical and cost effectiveness of prescribing high concentration FLuoride toothpaste in preventing and treating dEntal Caries in high-risk older adulTs
HERU contact: Dwayne Boyers
Link: NIHR Award 16/23/01
REGAL trial - Recurrence of endometriosis: GnRH analogues versus laparoscopic surgery
HERU contact: Graham Scotland
Link: NIHR Award 127280
SCRIPT - Selective Caries Removal in Permanent Teeth
HERU contact: Dwayne Boyers
Link: NIHR Award 17/127/07
SHARPS cluster randomised controlled trial - Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered, relational, harm reduction intervention to improve mental health, quality of life, and related outcomes, for people experiencing homelessness and substance use problems
HERU contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: NIHR Award 150358
SIMS Trial: Adjustable anchored single-incision mini-slings versus standard tension-free mid-urethral slings in the surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence: a pragmatic multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial, and long-term follow up
HERU contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: NIHR Award 12/127/157
VUE: Vault or Uterine prolapse surgery Evaluation - long-term follow-up
HERU contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: NIHR Award 11/129/183

Recently Completed Projects

C-GALL - Randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with observation/conservative management for preventing recurrent symptoms and complications in adults with uncomplicated symptomatic gallstones
HERU contact: Rodolfo Hernández
Link: NIHR Award 14/192/71
Developing an intervention to manage benzodiazepine dependence and high-risk use in the context of escalating drug related deaths: a feasibility study
HERU contact: Mary Kilonzo
Link: CSO HIPS/20/09
EDNA - Early Detection of Neovascular Age-related macular degeneration
HERU contact: Graham Scotland
Link: ISRCTN Registry - ISRCTN48855678
E-FREEZE - Embryo transfer in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization
HERU contact: Graham Scotland
Link: ISRCTN Registry - ISRCTN61225414
GRIP - Glaucoma RIsk Prediction in ocular hypertension
HERU contact: Rodolfo Hernández
Link: NIHR Award 131808
PUrE - Clinical and cost-effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower pole calyces of the kidney
HERU contact: Rodolfo Hernández
Link: NIHR Award 13/152/02
RAACENO - Reducing Asthma Attacks in Children using Exhaled Nitric Oxide as a biomarker
HERU contact: Paul McNamee
Link: ISRCTN Registry - ISRCTN67875351
UK-REBOA - Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta
HERU contact: Dwayne Boyers
Link: NIHR Award 14/199/09