HERU Publications Archive

HERU Publications Archive

Our Policy Briefs and Briefing Papers series presented summaries of HERU research findings. We stopped producing them in 2017 and now use the HERU Blog and social media as a more flexible methods of presenting summaries of our research and activity.

HERU Policy Briefs

The HERU Policy Brief series was a continuation of the earlier HERU Briefing Papers series.


Boyers, D., Hernández, R., Sharma, P., Scott, N., Fraser, C., Cruickshank, M., Ahmed, I., Ramsay, C. and Brazzelli, M. (2017) 'Primary inguinal hernia: changing open repair technique likely cost-effective', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, February 2017.

Norwood, P., Ryan, M., Murchie, P., Pietrucin-Materek, M., Porteous, T. and Hannaford, P. (2017) 'Survivors of cancer seeking care continuity and lengthier appointments', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, March 2017.

Scotland, G., Javanbakht, M., Azuara-Blanco, A., Burr, J., Ramsay, C., Cooper, D., Cochrane, C., Norrie, J. (2017) 'Primary angle closure glaucoma - early lens extraction beneficial and likely to be cost-effective', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, May 2017.


Aoki, Y. (2016) 'Speak well, do well - English language proficiency and health and social outcomes of UK immigrants', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, August 2016.

Farrar, S., Yi, D., Morgan, H., Ludbrook, A. and Hoddinott, P. (2016) Financial incentives to support smoking cessation in pregnant women - size matters', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, May 2016.

Hernández, R., Burr, J.M., Vale, L., Azuara-Blanco, A., Cook, J.A., Banister, K., Tuulonen, A., Ryan, M. & Surveillance of Ocular Hypertension Study Group (2016.) 'Treatment or monitoring for people with ocular hypertension?', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, May 2016.

Kilonzo, M. (2016) 'Gallstones: wait and see or treat?', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, April 2016.

Ludbrook, A. (2016) 'Fairness and efficiency: addressing the harms of excessive drinking', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, January 2016.

Pol, M. van der, Olajide, D., Dusheiko, M., Elliott, R. F., Guthrie, B., Jorm, L. R. and Leyland, A. H. (2016) 'Does quality and accessibility of primary care reduce admissions for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs) in Scotland?' HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, June 2016.

Porteous, T., Ryan, M., Bond, C., Watson, M. and Watson, V. (2016) 'Think pharmacy: making community pharmacy the first port of call',  HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, October 2016.

Skåtun, D., Watson, V., Krucien, N., Johnston, P. and Cleland, J. (2016) 'Junior doctors training: is it really location, location, location?', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, September 2016.


Kilonzo, M. (2015) 'Reducing hospital infections: which catheter?', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, December 2015.

McAteer, A., Yi, D., Watson, V., Norwood, P., Ryan, M., Hannaford, P. and Elliott, A. M. (2015) 'Who wants to see a GP? Almost everyone', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, July 2015.

Ryan, M., Yi, D., Avenell, A., Douglas, F., Aucott, L., Van Teijlingen, E. and Vale, L. (2015) 'Gaining pounds by losing pounds: research finds financial incentives could help reduce obesity', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, March 2015.

Scotland, G. and Tassie, E. (2015) 'Cost-effectiveness of treatments for varicose veins', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, April 2015.

Scotland, G. (2015) 'Is self-monitoring a cost-effective option for people receiving long-term vitamin K antagonist (Warfarin) therapy?', HERU Policy Brief, University of Aberdeen, September 2015.