Professor Verity Watson

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Professor Verity Watson
Professor Verity Watson
Professor Verity Watson

Honorary Chair



Verity worked at HERU for over 20 years and is now an Honorary Professor at the University. Verity's expertise is non-market valuation using contingent valuation and discrete choice experiments. Her research focuses on testing the validity of non-market valuation methods and how study context can influence responses.

Verity has applied these methods to inform a range of policy issues. In doing so she has worked with academics from a number of different fields, the government and the pharmaceutical industry.



  • PhD Economics 
    2003 - University of Aberdeen 
  • MSc Economics 
    1998 - Glasgow University 
  • MA(Hons) Economic Science 
    1997 - University of Aberdeen 

Latest Publications

  • ‘Come and work here!’: A qualitative exploration of local community-led initiatives to recruit and retain health care staff in remote and rural areas of the UK

    Maclaren, A., Locock, L., Skea, Z., Angell, L., Cleland, J., Dawson, T., Denison, A., Dobson, C., Hollick, R., Murchie, P., Skatun, D., Watson, V.
    Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • ICANEQUAL multi-stakeholder partnership: Reducing inequalities in liver cancer (HCC) diagnosis, treatment and care across the UK

    Tripathee, S., Treweek, S., Van Hemelrijck, M., Ross, P., Watson, V., MacLennan, G., Guntupalli, A., Adams, J., Majmudar, B., Murchie, P., Bekheit, M., MacLennan, S.
    NIHR Open Research, vol. 5, no. 5
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Preferences of Recent Mums in Remote and Rural Areas for Type of Intrapartum Care: A Discrete Choice Experiment

    Loria Rebolledo, L., Van Woerden, H., Bryers, H., Erdem, S., Watson, V.
    The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research, vol. 17, pp. 663–672
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Treatment preferences of patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer: A discrete choice experiment

    Mannion, L., Watson, V., Mullassery, V., Nair, R., Charlton, T., Northover, M., Enting, D., Van Hemelrijck, M., Khan, M. S., Thurairaja, R., Amery, S., Chatterton, K., Smith, K., Hughes, S.
    BJUI Compass, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1059-1068
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Do the Scottish population value NHS outdoor spaces?

    Loria Rebolledo, L., Boyers, D., Antunes, M., Watson, V., Chalmers, N.
    Rural & Environment Science and Analytical Services Science, Evidence and Policy Conference 2024
    Contributions to Conferences: Posters

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