Page 6 of 1351 to 60 of 126 Past Events
Annual HERU DCE Course - Using DCEs in Health Economics
-This event was fully booked
DCE Course. Using Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues. The Methods of Benefit Valuation Theme Expert Discrete Choice Experiment Course took place from 21st - 23rd November 2018 at Jury's Inn, Union Square, Aberdeen. The course is held annually over three days and is aimed at those interested in the application of DCEs in...
Café MED - Informing Health Policy: Is it time to celebrate or innovate?
-Professor Mandy Ryan of HERU and Professor Craig Ramsay from the Health Services Research Unit (HSRU) are speaking at this informal Café MED event at the Suttie Centre, University of Aberdeen. In 2018 we celebrated seventy years of the NHS and the award of the Queen’s Anniversary Prize to the University of Aberdeen for the health economics...
Identifying, Appraising and Applying Health Economics Evidence for Public Health
This training course was ran by HERU on behalf of the Health Economics Network for Scotland (HENS). Providing an introduction to the identification, appraisal and application of economic evaluation for policy-making in public health, the course is suitable for planners, finance directors and other health and social care staff who...
HERU Seminar - Julie Ratcliffe
-Professor Julie Ratcliffe is the guest presenter of this HERU seminar. Professor Ratcliffe is Professor of Health Economics in the Institute for Choice, School of Business at the University of South Australia. She also holds honorary professorial positions in the Institute for Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow and...
HERU Seminar - Dr Philip Kinghorn
-The first HERU External Seminar of the Autumn 2018 programme will be delivered by Dr Philip Kinghorn, a Research Fellow in the Institute of Applied Health Research at the University of Birmingham. Dr Kinghorn previously worked in HERU from 2010 to 2012. His research interests relate to the measurement and valuation...
HERU Seminar - Dr Nora Ferdjaoui-Moumjid
-The seminar will be delivered by Dr Nora Ferdjaoui-Moumjid, Associate Professor, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. Title of the seminar presentation: From healthcare users’ preferences to shared decision-making in the medical encounter : key messages and future issues in France. Abstract: Our research project seeks to achieve a dynamic "balance" between standardizing collective concerns...
HERU Seminar - Dr Rebecca McDonald
-Dr Rebecca McDonald, Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Birmingham will deliver the May external seminar. Title: Understanding the composite dimensions of the EQ-5D: an experimental approach. Authors: Rebecca McDonald (University of Birmingham); Tim Mullett (University of Warwick); Aki Tsuchiya (University of Sheffield) Abstract: The EQ-5D(-5L) includes two composite dimensions: “Pain or Discomfort”...