Patient & Public Involvement

In this section
Patient & Public Involvement

Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) is essential and critical for all aspects of the research process including:

  • development of the research hypothesis
  • grant applications
  • monitoring of research activities- recruitment and follow up
  • data collection
  • dissemination of research findings
  • implementation of those findings into clinical practice.

It is ethically and morally important to involve service users in research to respect patients' autonomy, enhance benefits, and support meaningful research participation.

For additional information on how to get involved with research, please refer to our page for the public.

Diagram illustrating order of stages in planning research: 1: Study design; 2: Facilities; 3: Scientific Peer Review; 4: Secure Funding; 5: Prepare study documentation; 6: Sponsorship; 7: Protocol; 8: Contracts; 9: Registration on public database; 10: Finalise study documents; 11: Statutory approvals; 12: Ethics review; 13: Initiation of study