Seminars and Workshops

In this section
Seminars and Workshops

This page contains details of:

  • Research & Development Seminars (Upcoming and recorded)
  • Workshops/Drop In Sessions
  • NoSCAR Seminars

Research and Development Seminar Programme

NHS Grampian Research & Development (R&D) Training Team deliver a programme of monthly seminars.

The presentations include those given by R&D staff as well as staff/students involved in clinical research from the University of Aberdeen, Robert Gordon University and NHSG.

We look forward to having you there! Please contact for booking/further information.

Seminar Series 2024

Upcoming R&D Seminars:

Seminars for the new year are in the process of being planned and will be listed as soon as they are confirmed

Recordings/slides of previous seminars from 2023 and 2022

(Please note these seminars are aimed for University of Aberdeen, Robert Gordon University staff/students and NHSG staff)

Joan Wilson, Biorepository Manager, NHS Grampian

'The Grampian Biorepository, Accreditation and the Scottish Biobanking Network'.

You can watch the recording here.

Data Protection and Research: Key Requirements

Information Governance colleagues from NHS Grampian and the University of Aberdeen will summarise the key requirements under UK GDPR and other data protection legislation. It will focus on the areas most relevant to Researchers including privacy notices, lawful grounds for using and sharing personal data and Data Protection Impact Assessments.

With Alan Bell (Head of Information Governance, NHSG) and Claire Barranger-Clark (Information Governance Officer, University of Aberdeen).

Please email for a copy of the University of Aberdeen slides.

'What ails Grampian?' with Professor Seshadri Vasan, R&D Director, NHS Grampian. Burden of diseases can be measured as DALY or disability-adjusted life years per 100,000 people. By comparing the 'DALY rates' between sexes, age groups, time periods, geographic regions (for example Grampian versus Scotland) and sub-regions (for example Aberdeen, aberdeenshire, Moray), we can identify which disease conditions especially affect us.

You can watch the recording here.

Please find the link to the paper discussed here and direct any questions to the speaker.

'Why, when and how do I need to apply to HSC-PBPP?' With Panel Manager, Public Benefits and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (HSC-PBPP)

  • Wednesday 6th December, 12-1pm via Teams

Slides available: please email for a copy

'Introduction to Monitoring' With Rory Lynch, Research Monitor and Quality Assurance Support Officer

An overview of the Sponsor Monitoring process aimed primarily at those undertaking locally Sponsored research that want to familiarise themselves with all stages of the monitoring process.

You can watch the recording here.

'The importance of diversity in trials and other health research' with Prof Shaun Treweek, Professor of Health Services Research, University of Aberdeen

You can watch the recording here.

'Commercialisation and Intellectual Property in NHS Boards'

Leigh Mair, Innovation Manager from InnoScot Health (formerly SHIL) gave an overview of how to develop innovations from NHS Scotland, covering evaluation, regulatory practice, commercialisation and IP.

Please email for a copy of the slides.

'Considering Ethics...' with Dr Rachel Hardie, Scientific Officer/Regional Manager, North of Scotland Research Ethics Service (NoSRES)

Rachel provides an overview of the importance of considering Ethics from the very start of your project, the type of projects which require Ethics, a brief discussion on the process.

You can watch the recording here.

NHS Grampian Charity

Lisa Duthie, NHS Grampian Charity Lead, provides an overview of NHS Grampian Charity and their new strategy and plans. Information on the kind of projects that are funded and how you can apply for funds.

You can watch the recording here.

Commercial Team Overview, Research and Development (R&D), NHSG

Dr Alison Stewart, Commercial Team Manager in Research and Development, provides an overview of the team's work. Covering, in particular, Feasibility/site selection, Study set up and R&D approval, Site Initiation Visits/RGL/Recruitment, Amendments, Finance including travel expenses and Study close out/archiving.

You can watch the recording here.

Scottish Bioresources and multi-omics health research; An update on the Aberdeen SHARE bioresource

Prof Colin Palmer, Population Health and Genomics, University of Dundee


SCI-Diabetes-An integrated digital eco-system for supporting Diabetes Care and Diabetes Research in Scotland

Prof Sam Philip, Consultant Physician Diabetes and Endocrinology, NHS Grampian

You can watch the recording here.

'Health research: identifying and winning grant funding to support your research' with Dr Juliette Snow, Senior Research Development Executive, Research and Knowledge Exchange, University of Aberdeen.

This Seminar covers finding funding, developing research applications and research contracts.

You can watch the recording here.

'Linking NHS Grampian tissue samples and clinical data for research' with Joan Wilson (Biorepository Manager, NHS Grampian), Kristine Nellany (Senior Biomedical Scientist, NHS Grampian), Kate O'Sullivan (Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) Operational Lead), and Joanne Lumsden (Lead Research Coordinator, DaSH).

This seminar covers the availability and approval requirements for accessing tissue samples and linking to clinical data from electronic health records via support from the NHS Grampian Biorepository and Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH). The Grampian Biorepository is a Research Tissue Bank, part of the NRS Tissue Bank Network and set up by the CSO to collect, store and release pseudonymised human tissue gathered from NHS Grampian patients for approved research projects. The Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) is a secure, virtual healthcare data analysis centre for the secure processing and linkage of pseudonymised health and population data.

You can watch the recording here.

'Delivering on the History of Delivery' with Professor George G Youngson, Emeritus Professor of Paediatric Surgery, University of Aberdeen.

The development of the recently released book, "Bringing Life to Aberdeen: A History of Maternity and Neonatal Services" is presented, which documents the history and development of midwifery and maternity services in the city.

You can watch the recording here.

'Archiving - Researchers' Responsibilities' with Mr Richard Cowie, Quality Assurance Manager, NHS Grampian and University of Aberdeen

For new and experienced researchers: an update, from the NHSG-UoA Named Archivist, of the session delivered in 2018. This covers archive regulation, local policy, best practice and 'myth busting' regarding archive of clinical research data in Grampian.

You can watch the recording here. (Please note the information in the recording was correct as at 02.11.22. Refer here for SOP updates.)

'Research involving the NHS. Where do I start?' with Stacey Dawson Research Governance Officer, University of Aberdeen, presented in October 2022.

The seminar covers the approvals required for non-commercial research involving the NHS. It covers Sponsorship, what it is (and isn't) as well as ethical review and R&D approval and how to apply for these. Suitable for students and early career researchers who haven't gone through the approvals process before, a refresher for those who have or anyone interested in the process.

You can watch the recording here. (Please note the information in the recording was correct as at 05.10.22. Refer here for SOP updates.)

'SReDA: Q&A, Advice & Demos' with Dr Alison Stewart, Manager of Commercial Studies, Research & Development, NHS Grampian, in August 2022.

You can watch the recording here.

'Acute Nursing during Covid' with Dr Aileen Grant from the Robert Gordon University, presented in June 2022.

You can find out more information about the study here.

Additional seminars are available via the University of Aberdeen. Please see here for upcoming events.

Workshops & Drop in Sessions 2024

'Qualitative research methods workshop' 2024

Are you interested in Qualitative research methods and would like to learn more about it? Or would you like to build on your existing knowledge?

If so, we are holding a Qualitative Research Methods Workshop on Tuesday 19th November, 10-12pm in the Medical Physics Building, D2 WORKSHOP, Foresterhill Site (Aberdeen) with Dr Louisa Lawrie (Lecturer) Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen. **Booking is essential**


NHS Grampian Research & Development Lunchtime Drop-In Session

  • Dates not currently available

The session is aimed for New researchers/PhD/MSc students who wish to put together an application to do a research project under the Sponsorship of the University of Aberdeen and/or NHSG.

Do you need to know more about the process of getting your study up and running? How do you apply for permissions? Who is your Sponsor? Which documents are required for ethical approval? Where do I go for help? If you are unsure, then come along!

You will find representatives from: Research Governance (Sponsor contacts for the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian); NHSG Research & Development (R&D Permissions); NoSRES (North of Scotland Research Ethics Service); Monitoring Team.

The sessions aims to:

1) Introduce you to the relevant personnel

2) Highlight the application processes and documents required

3) Give contact detials, training and web resources to aid you on your research journey

Booking is not required, but please contact with any queries.

NoSCAR Seminars

NoSCAR (North of Scotland Centre for Applied Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research):
Please see NoSCAR Research Semiar Series - 2024.docx to view the 2024 NoSCAR Seminar Series.