Local Information Pack

Local Information Pack

Implementation of the UK Local Information Pack

From 5th June 2019 researchers working with NHS/HSC organisations across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales will benefit from a consistent package to support study set-up and delivery across the UK.

The UK Local Information Pack contains an Organisation Information Document which has replaced:

  • Statement of Activities in England and Wales
  • Site Specific Information form in Northern Ireland and Scotland 

The Organisational Information Document is required as part of the UK Local Information Pack for non-commercial research.

The UK Local Information Pack contains the documents required to be submitted as part of your full document set for Sponsorship review. The full list of documents are available here

Please see Submitting to Research Governance for a process flow chart on submitting the Local Information Pack for UoA and NHSG Sponsor review. If your study is not locally sponsored please contact your Sponsor for advice on completing and submiting the Local Information Pack.  

Organisation Information Document Templates (for University of Aberdeen/ NHS Grampian Sponsored studies)

UPDATE 27/03/2024: A new version of the OID was released on 26/03/2024 V1.7 and this should be the version that is used going forward for all new sites in research studies. I have removed the links to our templates below until we are able to update these to the new version. For the current time please click here to access the newest version of the template document.  


Each template contains detailed guidance to help you complete the form correctly. This text is displayed as "hidden text" and will not print. Before you can see this text, you must enable the hidden text feature in word. Once this is selected, guidance text will appear in purple throughout the documents. 


How to enable hidden text: 

  • Word 2003: Open Tools > Options menu, then go to the View tab. Select the Hidden Text check box, then click OK.
  • Word 2007: Click the Office button. Click the Word Options button, and then select Display on the left. Select the Hidden Text check box, then click OK
  • Word 2010: Click File then Options. Click Display. Select to show hidden text.




Non-CTIMP Organisation Information Document All studies

If your study is multi centre use this template for completing both the Outline Organisation Information Document and the Localised Organisation Information Document for studies, excluding the first 4 categories in IRAS (CTIMP’s etc).

This template can also be used to complete the Local Organisation Information Document for Single centre studies where NHS Grampian is NOT a site. 

Non-CTIMP Organisation Information Document (University of Aberdeen Sponsor, single centre NHS Grampian ONLY)  

If your study is Sponsored by University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian are the ONLY site use this template to complete the Localised Organisation Information Document for all studies, excluding the first 4 categories in IRAS (CTIMP’s etc).

CTIMP's and/or first four categories in IRAS

 If your study is a CTIMP or fulfills the criteria for the first 4 categories in IRAS please use this template and discuss with Research Governance prior to submission.

Email template  (Scotland only)

All studies are required to submit a covering email with the electronic submission of study documents through IRAS.

Once you have been informed by Research Governance that your documents are ready to be submitted use this template. 

If you are submitting to participating organisations in England, Wales or Northern Ireland template emails can be found on IRAS help.


Examples of completed Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Template and Organisation Information Document templates are also now available on the Four Nations NHS/HSC Compatibility website on the UK Local Information Pack: Questions and Answers page.