Telephone & Mailing Campaigns

Telephone & Mailing Campaigns

Our Telephone Appeals

Our telephone appeals form part of our regular giving campaign and were launched in 1998. The generosity of alumni and friends has raised over £2.6 million in cash to help improve the student experience for thousands of individuals. In addition there are a number of pledges, standing orders and direct debit arrangements which continue to add additional cash on a monthly basis.

While our telephone appeals have had to stop over the past couple of years, our direct mail and email appeals help us to continue our engagement with new and existing donors on an annual basis.

Our Campaigns

We hope to restart our telephone campaigns soon as they are designed to connect with alumni, to update you about recent developments at the University, to find out what you have been up to since graduating, and to provide you with an opportunity to support one of the University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO's current priority projects. When we phone, you can either sign up for a single gift, create a regular gift or increase your regular donation. This is also another opportunity to thank you as a donor and to update you about the impact of your donation and where the money has been spent.

In addition direct mail and email is used to contact groups that are not contactable by telephone, to engage new alumni groups and to reach out to those overseas.

Overview of the projects supported

Over the years these appeals have supported a number of valuable projects. In recent years some of the projects we have managed to realise with your support include:

  • The Sir Duncan Rice Library
  • Aberdeen Sports Village and Aquatics Centre
  • Niteline - confidential listening service run by student volunteers
  • Gaudie - student newspaper
  • Special Collections Centre - preservation of our heritage
  • Scholarships - ten entrance scholarships for students in financial need with academic ability
  • Student Study Support Grants - enabling honours year students to conduct research at home or overseas
  • Transition Programme - assisting students with autism to make the change from school to university
  • Alumni Mentor Programme - providing students with alumni mentors to assist them with their studies and career aspirations
  • Granite City TV - student television
  • Cardiovascular Research
  • Canadian Fund - providing students with further funding
  • AUSA - providing £10k per annum to student clubs and societies
  • IVF - Aberdeen University Fertility Centre

We would also like to thank all our dedicated student callers who, over many years, have been working hard to raise awareness of the numerous areas the University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO is supporting, and importantly, helping us to raise vital funds.

For more information about our campaign's please contact Claire Henderson by emailing or call +44 (0)1224 274253.