525 Bursaries

525 Bursaries

Please support 525 bursaries



In honour of the University's 525th anniversary, we need your support to embark on an exciting and ambitious challenge - to change the lives of 525 students.


It is fitting that on our 525th anniversary we reflect on Bishop Elphinstone's founding principle to be “open to all”. We are celebrating that principle with the creation of 525 bursaries - but we need your help to make this happen.


Students' finances are often extremely tight, and unexpected expenses can be challenging to handle. Loss of employment or having to travel a long-distance - e.g. to support a family member who is ill - can have a huge impact on a student's finances, even if they carefully manage their budgets. For some students, a bursary is the difference between passing their exams or having to drop out of classes. For others, a bursary means that they won't have to find a second job to fund their textbooks or miss out on crucial field trips. It means fewer students accessing foodbanks.


The 525 Bursary fund aims to support students from all backgrounds and at all levels of study, based solely on their financial need.


You can help students achieve their full potential today by supporting the 525 Bursary Fund.


Stephanie let us know how financial support has helped her.

“As someone who grew up in local authority care, I can sometimes struggle with my mental health while at University due to my PTSD. I cannot express in words how the extra funds I have received have supported my educational, mental and physical wellbeing. It allowed me to purchase sessions with a private psychotherapist last semester. Without it, I do not believe I would have reached my potential. I have now had the opportunity to choose my honours courses and have been accepted for five commercial law schemes in some of the world's largest corporate firms.”

Stephanie, 3rd year LLB student



  • 658 students requested an emergency bursary in 2019
  • 478 students enrolled from some of the most deprived areas of Scotland in 2016-2018
  • 49 students required over £4,000 of emergency food vouchers in 2019
  • £527,089 of bursaries were awarded in 2019

Please help change a student's life by enabling them to reach their full potential. Please support our 525 bursaries by donating here.