Patient Partner Bursary

Patient Partner Bursary

Many medical students today struggle with financial hardship.

The University of Aberdeen estimates that students today need to spend on average £1,023 per month on living expenses. This includes rent, food, energy bills and textbooks, but doesn't include some of the additional costs that medical students face, such as stethoscopes, uniforms and professional clothing.

Basic funding levels vary across the UK, but many medical students receive just over £5,000 per year, with a contribution expected from the student's family of up to £3,000 per year per student. Despite increases in family earnings, some family income thresholds have not changed for years, leaving families unable to meet the contributions expected.

This, along with additional personal circumstances, means that most students now supplement their basic funding by working during term time and/or vacation. However, medical students in 4th and 5th year have considerably longer term times, as well as several placements to attend, which reduces the opportunity for suitable work.

There is often no additional funding available to supplement these longer term times, meaning those affected continue to spend during those extra weeks of study but without any recognised financial support.

Credit card debt and insufficient support from banks can also play a role in forcing many students into working more hours, adversely affecting their studies and work/life balance during already stressful and busy times. The increased cost of living will only compound these issues.

“I feel that I am unable to perform to the best of my ability due to financial constraints” - MBChB Student

“Any financial assistance will 'buy back' study time by enabling me to reduce the hours I currently need to work to survive financially” - MBChB Student

This is where the Patient Partner Bursary can help.

As a Patient Partner you will have seen many students grow and flourish to become the doctors of tomorrow. Your dedication to their learning is already helping to shape a better future for medical care. Will you join your fellow Patient Partners to further support these students, by making a modest contribution to the Patient Partner Bursary?

By making a donation, you will be helping to provide much-needed financial support to a promising medical professional during their degree, reducing their need to take on part-time work and enabling them to focus fully on their studies. It will help to give them a better chance to succeed and reach their full potential.

The value of the bursary and the number of students it supports depends on the participation levels of patient partners.

  • If 50 members donated an average of £10 on an annual basis, a Patient Partner Bursary of £500 could be awarded to one student every year
  • If 100 members donated an average of £10 on an annual basis, a Patient Partner Bursary of £500 could be awarded to two students every year
  • If 150 members donated an average of £10 on an annual basis, a Patient Partner Bursary of £500 could be awarded to three students every year

Please note: whatever your contribution, if you are a taxpayer, it can be increased by 25% using Gift Aid.

Thank you so much. Your gift will make a real difference to a student in financial difficulty.

Click here to make a one off donation - please select 'Patient Partner Bursary' from the drop down menu

Click here to make a regular donation via Direct Debit - please select 'Patient Partner Bursary' from the drop down menu

To pay by cheque, please make cheque payable to "University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO" and send to: University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO, Powis Gate, College Bounds, Aberdeen, AB24 3UG. Please make sure that you clearly indicate that it should be allocated to the Patient Partner Bursary.

For more information contact Claire Henderson on or call 01224 274253