The Alumni Annual Fund is one of the most important funds at the University of Aberdeen. It is the legacy of decades of alumni who have made contributions big and small. It is an opportunity to give current and future students the chance to live university life to the fullest.
If life was a puzzle, what would your pieces look like?
I bet that your puzzle would be made up of lots of pieces: your family, friends, education, career. A big part of my puzzle is my University of Aberdeen experience. Being part of a society during my time here was such an important piece and helped make me the person I am today.
But it won't be possible for all students to keep having these same experiences without help from alumni like you.
Soaring living costs are making it harder and harder for students to access all the clubs and societies that make university life complete. Please, will you make a donation to the Alumni Annual Fund and be the missing piece of the puzzle for today's students?
Click here to make a single donation
Click here to make a regular donation
Hannah's puzzle
Meet Hannah (pictured). She's a rising star in the world of Ultimate Frisbee and has been selected to train with the Great Britain Team. Her journey has been made possible thanks to the Alumni Annual Fund. Your gift will allow her to attend this training and hone her skills - opportunities that she might not have otherwise.
The Challenge
Soaring living costs are making it harder and harder for students to access all the clubs and societies that make university life complete. These extracurricular activities are a huge part of a students' personal growth, helping them to create lifelong friendships, and develop essential skills.
You can be the missing piece that completes their puzzle
By making a donation today, you can help students like Hannah make the most of their abilities and learn new skills, and develop our sport clubs and societies, taking them to greater heights. Without this support, many students would simply not be able to afford to make the most of the life-changing opportunities they are given.
Will you be the missing piece and help complete their puzzle?
I hope you will join me, as a supporter and champion of the University, to enhance and strengthen the university experience for students today. With the help of our alumni all students can thrive, because, when we all fit together, we can complete their puzzle.
Yours sincerely,
Alison MacLachlan
MA Hispanic Studies-International Relations 2004
Trustee of the University of Aberdeen Development Trust SCIO
Chair of the Student Experience Fund
PS. The Alumni Annual Fund is the legacy of decades of alumni who have made contributions big and small. Please, will you be the missing piece to complete the puzzle and make a gift to the Alumni Annual Fund today?
Click here to make a single donation
Click here to make a regular donation